zefoy / ngx-perfect-scrollbar

Angular wrapper library for the Perfect Scrollbar
MIT License
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Native Scrollbars Support in ngx-prerfect-scrollbar #315

Open sajagjain opened 3 years ago

sajagjain commented 3 years ago

Native Scrollbars does not by default inside of perfect-scrollbar. The support for classes was added to perfect-scrollbar as mentioned in issue #577

Issue Repro Link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hrdxrj

Refer - #314

sajagjain commented 3 years ago

@sconix The forceNativeScrolling directive is not imported by default. I have to do manual import in the Component where I want to use it.

I am guessing this may have been so because I missed exporting it in public-api.ts.