I found many issues while trying to get this going on my linux server. I have created a branch with all the fixes and have tested the fixes and all is working. I tried to push the fixes as a separate branch for a pull request but was unable. Got a Permission denied error when trying to push the branch. Could be that I don''t know how to properly push for the pull request as I am a little new to using git but I have all the changes and fixes saved in a separate branch ready to push out if you would like them.
I found many issues while trying to get this going on my linux server. I have created a branch with all the fixes and have tested the fixes and all is working. I tried to push the fixes as a separate branch for a pull request but was unable. Got a Permission denied error when trying to push the branch. Could be that I don''t know how to properly push for the pull request as I am a little new to using git but I have all the changes and fixes saved in a separate branch ready to push out if you would like them.