zeitlings / ayai-gpt-nexus

OpenAI, Anthropic, and Gemini integrations with support for local LLMs
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Error when opening chat history: arm64 <> x86_64 incompatibility #1

Closed glowacky closed 1 month ago

glowacky commented 1 month ago

Hi, amazing job on this workflow!

I'm getting the following error when I try to open the chat history:

Code 127: ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/6573F0DC-08DA-4B1B-90E1-72E7DB56ABF1:7: bad CPU type in executable: ./src/Archive

While we're on the topic, would it be possible to make the chat history optional, as in the "official" Alfred ChatGPT workflow?

zeitlings commented 1 month ago

bad CPU type in executable

Haven't seen that one before, but I'm somewhat sure it's because I admitteldy haphazardly compiled "Archive.swift" with swiftc on an ARM Mac while yours is most likely Intel. Just delete the existing binary and compile the script again: swiftc -O Archive.swift. Alternatively you can delete the binary and uncomment the first two lines in the "Chat History" Script Filter object and comment out all others. Make sure you have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed or swiftc won't be available: xcode-select --install.

While we're on the topic, would it be possible to make the chat history optional, as in the "official" Alfred ChatGPT workflow?

Sure, I'll add it to the next update.

zeitlings commented 1 month ago

@glowacky alpha.3 now bundles a universal binary. Let me know if this works for you, in which case you can also ignore the above instructions!

glowacky commented 1 month ago

@zeitlings New version works great, thanks! 🙏