zekefarwell / josm-strava-heatmap

A browser extension that simplifies getting the TMS imagery url for using the Strava Heatmap in JOSM
MIT License
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Strava heatmap website is changed, extension seems broken #11

Closed stalker314314 closed 7 months ago

stalker314314 commented 7 months ago

Hi, I just noticed that Strava changed previous link (https://www.strava.com/heatmap) which now redirects to https://www.strava.com/maps/global-heatmap and I don't see extension anymore (or maybe it is just me?). Just wanted to let you know and hopefully this will not be too great of change to adapt this great extension!

zekefarwell commented 7 months ago

Thank you for letting me know. I am seeing the same. It looks like they have changed the sport/activity picker UI element and the color picker is no longer available. I've gotten the basics of the extension working again and pushed up a branch: https://github.com/zekefarwell/josm-strava-heatmap/tree/strava-update-fix It's still a bit rough so I'm not ready to submit the extension to Chrome and Firefox, but the files can be downloaded and loaded into the browser as a temporary local extension for now. Previously the extension would get the url for the color and sport you had selected in the strava UI, but with the changes to this I've had to remove that feature for now. It just defaults to all sports and the red/orange color.

stalker314314 commented 7 months ago

If it helps, I managed to figure out how to load temp add-on and it works! FWIW, I don't care about colors, but separation between bike vs hike is sometimes very important when planning route, so might be worth wait if you can support sport/activity picker

P.S. Your extension is important part of my video here😄: https://peertube.openstreetmap.fr/w/56SduK2wYnnUesnSroucbd

pdxvr commented 7 months ago

You can manually type other colors into the query string

zekefarwell commented 7 months ago

You can manually type other colors into the query string

I noticed this too. So I could build a custom color picker. Not sure how well that will work or if Strava plans to remove the different color tiles. Not quite sure what the best way forward is for this.

kafkersmash commented 7 months ago

Hey @zekefarwell this is Nick from the strava team that broke this. First of all, sorry about this. We didn't realize this change would cause an issue and are happy to work with you or answer questions (if you need) to get the extension back up and running. Let me know and we can connect.

kafkersmash commented 7 months ago

Also for all the heatmap power users stopping by this thread - we are going to bring the Global Heatmap Color Selector and Opacity Slider, as well as the option to hide POI and map labels back to the new app within a week. Those removals were temporary. Thanks for your patience and feedback.

zekefarwell commented 7 months ago

Hey, no worries @kafkersmash. It's not your responsibility to know about every random browser extension that may be doing unexpected things with your UI 😜. Thanks for dropping by with a comment, and thanks for letting us use the heatmap. It's such a great resource!

It looks like I should be able to grab the sport from the new sport selector without much issue and push out a new release shortly. Since you plan on bringing back the color selector soon, I'll leave that option out for now and then do another update when that shows up.

kafkersmash commented 7 months ago

@zekefarwell we love & use the extension and want to make sure it's still out there for everyone. I'll reply on this thread when we ship the promised updates. Thanks again for the patience.

zekefarwell commented 7 months ago

New version is live for Firefox. Chrome version is submitted. Not sure how long the review will take there. I changed things so the sport and color parameters are pulled in from the browser URL now. This means you can edit the gColor=* query string parameter to set the color and then that will be used in the generated imagery URL. The valid options are hot, blue, purple, gray, bluered, mobileblue. If an invalid value is entered it will default to hot.

Hopefully this update will continue working seamlessly with the color picker @kafkersmash's team will be adding back in soon. If the query string parameters change, just let me know and I'll tweak the list.

kafkersmash commented 7 months ago

Hey @zekefarwell. The color picker and opacity selector are back in the product. Let us know if we can unblock anything and thank you all for dealing with the turbulence. Get excited for lots of good map updates coming soon. 🫡

kafkersmash commented 5 months ago

Hello again friends. An hour ago Strava released new global heatmaps for all outdoor sports on the website. We're concerned this change might again break the extension. If that's the case and it's not easy to get it back online, please let me know and we can help if need be.