zekeriyasari / Causal.jl

Causal.jl - A modeling and simulation framework adopting causal modeling approach.
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Some compat bounds need updating #57

Closed cscherrer closed 3 years ago

cscherrer commented 3 years ago

Hi, I noticed that some version bounds in your Project.toml are a little outdated. Here's a quick check with PkgVersionHelper.jl:

julia> using PkgVersionHelper

julia> upcheck()
Dict{String, Tuple{VersionNumber, VersionNumber}} with 11 entries:
  "LightGraphs"           => (v"1.3.3", v"1.3.5")
  "Sundials"              => (v"4.2.6", v"4.4.1")
  "Interpolations"        => (v"0.13.0", v"0.13.1")
  "DataStructures"        => (v"0.17.20", v"0.18.9")
  "Plots"                 => (v"1.6.12", v"1.10.6")
  "ProgressMeter"         => (v"1.4.0", v"1.5.0")
  "GraphPlot"             => (v"0.4.3", v"0.4.4")
  "FileIO"                => (v"1.4.4", v"1.6.2")
  "JLD2"                  => (v"0.3.0", v"0.4.2")
  "NLsolve"               => (v"4.4.1", v"4.5.1")
  "DifferentialEquations" => (v"6.15.0", v"6.16.0")

Some of these are just differences in patch versions, not affected by your [compat]. But a few of them seem to be held back a bit. Maybe something like PkgVersionHelper or CompatHelper (https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/CompatHelper.jl) would be useful for this?

zekeriyasari commented 3 years ago

Hi @cscherrer Thank you for the heads-up. I have already been using CompatHelper but realized that CompatHelper workflow was disabled in Github Actions. So I enabled it back. However, I was not aware of PkgVersionHelper.jl. Looks like a great tool. I updated the [compat]s as shown.
