Currently the da node accepts data from anybody, and if they meet certain requirements (#184) it stores it forever.
To prevent DoS attack on da layer, we need mechanism to either allow da nodes dispose unused data or allow only posting of the "useful" data.
There are 2 solutions for 2 usecases:
Centralised sequencer: If the sequencer is centralised, the da nodes can just white list the sequencer.
Decentralised sequencer: Most probably the decentralisation of sequencers will be realised through the action on L1. Da nodes can therefore whitelist only the sequencers that won the auction.
Potentially we can support payments for storage, possibly setting up a payment channel between da nodes and sequencers.
Currently the da node accepts data from anybody, and if they meet certain requirements (#184) it stores it forever.
To prevent DoS attack on da layer, we need mechanism to either allow da nodes dispose unused data or allow only posting of the "useful" data.
There are 2 solutions for 2 usecases:
Potentially we can support payments for storage, possibly setting up a payment channel between da nodes and sequencers.