ZekDex: A comprehensive R package and CSV files for Pokémon data. Features National Dex Info, Legendary/Mythical Groupings, Base Stats, Evolution Info, and Random Pokémon Generation. Data sourced from Bulbapedia, covering generations I-IX. Ideal for data scientists, Pokémon enthusiasts, and researchers.
There is some redundancy in the code. It should use utility and helper functions to streamline and standardize the process.
[ ] For each 'span.explain' element, extract the 'title' attribute and replace the element's text with the title
# Due to pointers this modifies the original HTML source
title = rvest::html_attr(.x, "title") # Extract the 'title' attribute
xml2::xml_text(.x) <- paste0(":!:", title) # Replace the element's text with the title
[x] Rename the columns that match the specified patterns to "name"
There is some redundancy in the code. It should use utility and helper functions to streamline and standardize the process.
[ ] For each 'span.explain' element, extract the 'title' attribute and replace the element's text with the title
[x] Rename the columns that match the specified patterns to "name"
[x] Mutate the 'ndex' column by attempting to extract integer values from it, and if that fails (returns NA), use the original 'ndex' values
[x] The level inverse functions that use uniroot
Find the range where e falls
for (range in ranges) { if (e >= exp$medium_slow(range[1]) && e <= exp$medium_slow(range[2])) {
Use uniroot to find the root of the function medium_slow(n) - e
Return NA if no solution was found