I was trying to build example in readme and i get tons of error aboud ld
these are first few line:
# github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib/client
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libtdjson_private.a(ClientJson.cpp.o): in function `td::ClientJson::send(td::Slice)':
ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td10ClientJson4sendENS_5SliceE+0x61): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::lock()'
/usr/bin/ld: ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td10ClientJson4sendENS_5SliceE+0xb6): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::unlock()'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libtdjson_private.a(ClientJson.cpp.o): in function `td::ClientJson::receive(double)':
ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td10ClientJson7receiveEd+0x58): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::lock()'
/usr/bin/ld: ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td10ClientJson7receiveEd+0x227): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::unlock()'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libtdjson_private.a(ClientJson.cpp.o): in function `td::json_send(int, td::Slice)':
ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td9json_sendEiNS_5SliceE+0x5e): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::lock()'
/usr/bin/ld: ClientJson.cpp:(.text._ZN2td9json_sendEiNS_5SliceE+0xb9): undefined reference to `std::__1::mutex::unlock()'
i recompiled tdlib version 1.8.3 and it's still same.
and this library works fine but it doesn't support V 1.8.x
I was trying to build example in readme and i get tons of error aboud ld these are first few line:
i recompiled tdlib version 1.8.3 and it's still same. and this library works fine but it doesn't support V 1.8.x
if you want i can send whole error logs.