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[TECH ED] Blockers! #18

Open zelihapala opened 1 year ago

zelihapala commented 1 year ago

From Course-Fundamentals created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Course-Fundamentals#4

Link to the coursework


Why are we doing this?

Next week in class we will talk about Iteration and Blockers. Look over the syllabus and prepare by reading Overcoming Blockers.

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

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How to submit

Write 1-2 bullet points on this ticket reflecting on the content. Move your ticket to "Done" when you're done.

How to review

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Anything else?

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zelihapala commented 1 year ago

Overcoming blockers can be a challenging task, but there are several techniques that can help us:

Get to know your blockers: Understand what triggers them, why they keep coming up, and how to eliminate them

Flag and prioritize blockers: In order to eliminate, avoid, manage, or ignore blockers, it is important to flag and prioritize them

Identify the difference between a project blocker and an impediment: A project blocker is something that blocks your way forward and cannot be moved until it is completed, fixed, removed, or worked around. An impediment, on the other hand, is something that slows your progress down or trips it up so we need tu understand what is our issue and how to fix it.