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[PD] Reflect on your plan to live as a developer #12

Open zelihapala opened 11 months ago

zelihapala commented 11 months ago

Coursework content

Now that you have your spreadsheet, you reviewed it, and you are confident it is a good picture of your availability and commitments on a typical week, we can reflect on it.

An important goal of this exercise is to observe your life from an external perspective.

Read it a few times aloud and ensure you haven’t missed anything. Ask yourself if this is what you had planned or a realistic description of what happens. Make any changes and iterations to it.

Now look at the number of hours you dedicate to each activity per week.

Ensure you include your energy and concentration levels when studying or CYF training.

Read the updated sample and iterate again on it, ensuring it has the expected level of detail.

Share your reflection with your pair. Ask them to ask you questions about the accuracy of it. Get them to help you to refine it.

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

Observing your week and reflecting on your real availability will be key to ensure you have a clear plan to achieve your ultimate goal, which is a job as a developer.

Be transparent in all what you are writing and thinking about, to ensure you have a reliable plan. Remember: the plan doesn't end when the CYF course ends.

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zelihapala commented 11 months ago

Reflect on your plan to live as a developer

I've examined my weekly schedule, essentially taking an outsider's view of my life. This schedule details how I allocate my time, including studying for my developer career, despite having a busy work schedule. I've also factored in my focus and energy levels during these activities. Monitoring the time I spend on a weekly basis and creating my study plans accordingly is important to become a good developer. This way, I can prioritize tasks systematically and accomplish them in an organized manner.

I shared this with a partner, My partner and I had a productive discussion, and the input was particularly helpful in ensuring that I can effectively balance my work commitments with my dedication to studying for my developer career. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vx6b-Qzc_5EMzdlFto8r3SMGQ5eSXqBf4QbJsOV-H9k/edit?usp=sharing

bunday commented 11 months ago

for Paid or Voluntary work update the typo in the description column

zelihapala commented 11 months ago

I did it . Thank you so much.