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[PD] Linkedin Social Selling Index #133

Open zelihapala opened 5 months ago

zelihapala commented 5 months ago

Coursework content

Being on LinkedIn isn’t enough to get noticed. You also need to make sure that you are active on it.

LinkedIn created a Social Selling Index (https://www.linkedin.com/sales/ssi.) which shows how you are in relationship to others in your industry or your network. You can use this as a key performance indicator to ensure you are being ranked higher after your actions.

Think about your strategy to get more active on LinkedIn. Some examples are below, but you can use your creativity. Start with one action and then build upon it.

Estimated time in hours (PD has max 4 per week total)


What is the purpose of this assignment?

To create a strong presence on a professional network platform - LinkedIn.

How to submit

zelihapala commented 5 months ago


I want to enhance my LinkedIn profile by learning how to use the platform effectively. This includes connecting with professionals in the IT sector, sharing relevant posts, and following key individuals to stay updated on industry trends. Additionally, I aim to update my CV to accurately reflect my skills and experiences.