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[TECH ED] What is React #167

Open zelihapala opened 4 months ago

zelihapala commented 4 months ago

Link to the coursework


Why are we doing this?

  1. Watch the attached video. You can stop watching at 11:06 (the rest is unnecessary)

  2. Write your answers as a comment on your ticket on your board.

  3. In the comment, answer these questions in ONE sentence:

A. What does he say the "best description of React is"? B. What does he say "could be a component"? C. What does he say is the benefit of using JSX? D. What makes React fast?

Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)


How to get help

Share your blockers in your class channel. https://syllabus.codeyourfuture.io/guides/asking-questions

How to submit

Write your answers as a comment on your ticket on your board.

zelihapala commented 4 months ago

A. React is a tool in JavaScript used to make things look good on websites.

B. React lets you reuse things over and over again, like building blocks.

C. JSX (JavaScript XML) lets developers mix HTML with JavaScript, making it easier to create website parts.

D. React works fast because it uses something called Virtual DOM, which helps it change things on websites quickly.