zeliu98 / Group-Free-3D

Group-Free 3D Object Detection via Transformers
MIT License
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why 'end_points['fp2_inds'] = end_points['sa1_inds'][:, 0:num_seed]' ? #31

Open linhaojia13 opened 1 year ago

linhaojia13 commented 1 year ago

In the models/backbone_module.py, you select the first 1024 out of 2048 sa1_inds as fp2_inds. I can understand that the intention behind this is to obtain the indices of these 1024 seed points in the entire point cloud, in order to participate in the loss calculation in the function compute_points_obj_cls_loss_hard_topk.

However, directly selecting the first 1024 out of 2048 sa1_inds does not correspond one-to-one with fp2_xyz. This mismatch would cause euclidean_dist1 and object_assignment_one_hot variables in the function compute_points_obj_cls_loss_hard_topk to not be aligned one-to-one. Doesn't this introduce an error in the supervision signal for KPS?


        # --------- 2 FEATURE UPSAMPLING LAYERS --------
        features = self.fp1(end_points['sa3_xyz'], end_points['sa4_xyz'], end_points['sa3_features'],
        features = self.fp2(end_points['sa2_xyz'], end_points['sa3_xyz'], end_points['sa2_features'], features)
        end_points['fp2_features'] = features
        end_points['fp2_xyz'] = end_points['sa2_xyz']
        num_seed = end_points['fp2_xyz'].shape[1]
        end_points['fp2_inds'] = end_points['sa1_inds'][:, 0:num_seed]  # indices among the entire input point clouds

        return end_points


def compute_points_obj_cls_loss_hard_topk(end_points, topk):
    box_label_mask = end_points['box_label_mask']
    seed_inds = end_points['seed_inds'].long()  # B, K
    seed_xyz = end_points['seed_xyz']  # B, K, 3
    seeds_obj_cls_logits = end_points['seeds_obj_cls_logits']  # B, 1, K
    gt_center = end_points['center_label'][:, :, 0:3]  # B, K2, 3
    gt_size = end_points['size_gts'][:, :, 0:3]  # B, K2, 3
    B = gt_center.shape[0]
    K = seed_xyz.shape[1]
    K2 = gt_center.shape[1]

    point_instance_label = end_points['point_instance_label']  # B, num_points
    object_assignment = torch.gather(point_instance_label, 1, seed_inds)  # B, num_seed
    object_assignment[object_assignment < 0] = K2 - 1  # set background points to the last gt bbox
    object_assignment_one_hot = torch.zeros((B, K, K2)).to(seed_xyz.device)
    object_assignment_one_hot.scatter_(2, object_assignment.unsqueeze(-1), 1)  # (B, K, K2)
    delta_xyz = seed_xyz.unsqueeze(2) - gt_center.unsqueeze(1)  # (B, K, K2, 3)
    delta_xyz = delta_xyz / (gt_size.unsqueeze(1) + 1e-6)  # (B, K, K2, 3)
    new_dist = torch.sum(delta_xyz ** 2, dim=-1)
    euclidean_dist1 = torch.sqrt(new_dist + 1e-6)  # BxKxK2
    euclidean_dist1 = euclidean_dist1 * object_assignment_one_hot + 100 * (1 - object_assignment_one_hot)  # BxKxK2