zema1 / watchvuln

一个高价值漏洞采集与推送服务 | collect valueable vulnerability and push it
MIT License
1.4k stars 154 forks source link

建议增加一个 slack 的推送方式 #83

Open secpool2000 opened 6 months ago

zema1 commented 5 months ago

我没有这个的使用需求,如果你用的比较多,欢迎提交一个 PR 来支持

madman163 commented 1 month ago

我没有这个的使用需求,如果你用的比较多,欢迎提交一个 PR 来支持


madman163 commented 1 month ago

推送slack解决方案 python转发 docker-compose配置

version: '3'
    image: zemal/watchvuln:latest
    container_name: watchvuln
    restart: always
      - /opt/watchvuln/config:/config
      - WEBHOOK_URL=
      - INTERVAL=30m
      - WHITELIST_FILE=/config/whitelist.txt

slack webhook 后台运行 nohup python3 webhook_forwarder.py &

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import requests
import json
import logging

app = Flask(__name__)

# 设置日志记录

# Slack Webhook URL
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx'  # 你的 Slack Webhook URL

def send_to_slack(message):
    response = requests.post(SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, data=json.dumps(message), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    return response

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def receive_webhook():
    # 获取请求体的数据
    data = request.json

    # 如果没有数据,返回错误
    if not data:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No data received'}), 400

    # 打印接收到的数据,便于后续排查
    logging.info(f"Received webhook data: {data}")

    # 解析 Webhook 类型
    webhook_type = data.get("type", "")
    content = data.get("content", {})

    # 根据不同的类型,构建不同的 Slack 消息格式
    if webhook_type == "watchvuln-initial":
        message = format_initial_message(content)
    elif webhook_type == "watchvuln-text":
        message = format_text_message(content)
    elif webhook_type == "watchvuln-vulninfo":
        message = format_vulninfo_message(content)
        return jsonify({'error': 'Unknown webhook type'}), 400

    # 发送消息到 Slack
    response = send_to_slack(message)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Failed to send message to Slack', 'response': response.text}), 500

    return jsonify({'status': 'success'}), 200

def format_initial_message(content):
    """格式化 watchvuln-initial 类型的消息"""
    version = content.get("version", "N/A")
    vuln_count = content.get("vuln_count", 0)
    interval = content.get("interval", "N/A")
    providers = content.get("provider", [])

    blocks = [
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*Vulnerability Watch Initial Report*\nVersion: `{version}`\nTotal Vulnerabilities: `{vuln_count}`\nCheck Interval: `{interval}`"
        {"type": "divider"}

    for provider in providers:
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*{provider['display_name']}*\nLink: <{provider['link']}|{provider['name']}>"

    return {"blocks": blocks}

def format_text_message(content):
    """格式化 watchvuln-text 类型的消息"""
    message_text = content.get("message", "No message provided")

    return {
        "text": f"*WatchVuln Notification*\n{message_text}"

def format_vulninfo_message(content):
    """格式化 watchvuln-vulninfo 类型的消息"""
    unique_key = content.get("unique_key", "N/A")
    title = content.get("title", "No title provided")
    description = content.get("description", "No description provided")
    severity = content.get("severity", "N/A")
    cve = content.get("cve", "N/A")
    disclosure = content.get("disclosure", "N/A")
    references = content.get("references", [])
    tags = content.get("tags", []) or []  # 确保 tags 是列表,避免 None
    from_source = content.get("from", "")
    reason = content.get("reason", [])

    # 检查 references 是否为空或 None
    if not references:
        references_text = "No references provided"
        references_text = "\n".join([f"<{ref}>" for ref in references])

    # 构建消息块
    blocks = [
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*Vulnerability Alert*\n*Title*: {title}\n*Severity*: {severity}\n*CVE*: {cve}\n*Disclosure Date*: {disclosure}"
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*Description*: {description}"
        {"type": "divider"},
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*References*:\n{references_text}"
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": f"*Tags*: {', '.join(tags)}\n*Source*: <{from_source}>"

    return {"blocks": blocks}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port=5000)