zemacik / PanaxeoCodingArena2023_BattleshipsServer

Playground server for the Panaxeo Coding Arena 2023 - Battleships competition.
MIT License
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Using ironman ability gives incorrect data #6

Closed Em1tt closed 11 months ago

Em1tt commented 11 months ago

When using the Iron Man ability, it seems that the values supplied in avengerResult are swapped (x has the Y value, and y has the X value)
Below is the image of the board
image Below is the avengerResult data image

zemacik commented 11 months ago

When was the last time you fetched new version?

Because on 12/11/2023 9:26 PM I wrote; Ak niekto pouzivate ten server, tak si stiahnite novsiu verziu. Bol tam bug. (Dakujem Maros za upozornenie)

So the problem should be solved by now. Is it?

Em1tt commented 11 months ago

Oh, I can confirm that it is fixed in the new version. I installed it on the same day, but I must've messed up and was still running the old version.