zemola / Leaderboard

The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved with an external Leaderboard API service. The project is a JavaScript project using webpack and ES6 features and notably modules.
MIT License
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Peer to peer code review #4

Open AnselemOdims opened 2 years ago

AnselemOdims commented 2 years ago

Suggestions, comments, and feedback.

Debas-31 commented 2 years ago

Great work @zemola

AnselemOdims commented 2 years ago

Great work so far Azeem. The code looks well organized.


zemola commented 2 years ago

Dear @AnselemOdims and @Debas-31,

Thank you for your observations, they will be looked into.

Cheers and Happy coding!👏👏👏