zemse / hardhat-tracer

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Prettify precompile smart contract calls #51

Open k06a opened 1 year ago

k06a commented 1 year ago

This seems not very pretty:

[CALL] UnknownContractAndFunction(to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000004, input: 0xa9059cbb, ret: 0xa9059cbb)

Would prefer to have something like this:

[CALL] Precompiles.identity(input: 0xa9059cbb) => (0xa9059cbb)

Here is list of precompiles: https://www.evm.codes/precompiled

zemse commented 1 year ago

Some support for some precompiles just added in 2.4.0, can you try that out? I'll add for modexp and some more precompiles later.