zen-mod / ZEN

Zeus enhancement mod for Arma 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 47 forks source link

Fastrope Function Broken in Dedicated MP #762

Closed Sierrastrike closed 2 months ago

Sierrastrike commented 2 months ago

Arma 3 Version: 2.16.151618 (stable) CBA Version: (stable) ZEN Version: 1.14.0 (stable)


- CBA_A3
- Zeus Enhanced - ACE3 Compatibility

Description: Using the "fastrope" waypoint in a dedicated MP environment will cause fast-roping AI to spin uncontrollably in place on the rope. After a short while, that AI will detatch from the rope, fall to the ground and die, and the helicopter can often start to spit out other AI without even attaching them to a rope. (Specific helicopter and group used: CTRG UH-80 + CTRG rifle squad)

Expected behavior: As in self-hosted multiplayer, AI should have descended smoothly along the rope one after another.

Steps to reproduce: Add the steps needed to reproduce the issue.

  1. As Zeus, spawn a helicopter and an infantry group and load them in
  2. Select the loaded helicopter and right-click far enough away from it to create a waypoint
  3. Double-click the waypoint and click "fastrope" type
  4. Observe

Where did the issue occur?

Additional information: As mentioned, the issue seems to only be in dedicated MP. The function seems to work perfectly in self-hosted MP (from EDEN).

RPT log file:

Screenshots: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. 20240426205217_1

Kexanone commented 2 months ago

It's a know issue with ACE's fast-roping. Use advanced rappelling instead: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2980483498