zen-mod / ZEN

Zeus enhancement mod for Arma 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 48 forks source link

Feature Request: Bombing Run, CAS for placed units #90

Open IZSparkle opened 4 years ago

IZSparkle commented 4 years ago

Great mod! I enjoy running it. However, I do have some suggestions on features that could be added. There are 2 main features I would love to see implemented. (1) is Bombing Run and (2) is CAS module for placed units so that you don't have to use modules that spawn and despawn and control when AI air assets will engage and what they will do.

Bombing Run:

  1. Spawns a plane of choice from drop down menu with desired altitude chosen on the menu.
  2. Plane flies to the designated target and drops 3-5 bombs depending on the vehicle's capacity.
  3. Despawn the plane after getting out of view.

This module, in my opinion, can enhance Zeus' ability to provide AI based CAS or present threat to the player base at a wider range. Or, it could be used to provide some cinematic experience for both Zeus and players. I was surprised that vanilla game didn't include this ability while the base game's campaigns utilizes this feature quite often in scripted instances such as in Adapt part of the East Wind campaign where the mission is to basically help pinned down squad, find the mortar observer and extract. Or, in the most recent application, just like in Contact DLC's mission.

CAS module for Zeus/Editor placed aerial assets:

  1. Select the module, and drop on a desired aerial asset (both grounded and in the air unlike Achilles).
  2. Menu opens to choose altitude, which weapon is to be used for the CAS strike, number of ammo on selected weapon it will expend on the run. and the targeting method which can be provided by 'Create Target' marker for artillery fire mission module or just like in ACE's 'Suppressive Fire' module's drag and drop system. Ideally, the system would make the units keep their distance based on weapon systems they are using, (i.e., guided missile used from further away compared to main gun on helicopter or unguided rockets).
  3. AI unit will perform strike by moving to the designated target and move away from the strike area (to a certain distance where it is less likely to be shot down) for another strike run or for another CAS mission.

This module, if implemented, will allow Zeuses to have greater control/option over what role air assets in the mission will play and what sort of threat those air assets possess to player base. This, in theory, should give the air assets more diverse roles (such as anti-air, then anti-ground) and relieves Zeus user from having to rely on spawn-despawn CAS modules or AI's chance to attack the desired area or target. And Zeuses can use this module to keep the players moving, inflict limited casualty as opposed to 0 casualty to mass casualty when relying on AI attacking them, and allow Zeuses to give more immersive CAS for players.

Kexanone commented 4 years ago

Regarding (2): I definitely intent to create an updated version for the Advanced CAS module for ZEN, hence I'm glad to get some feedback. However, some concrete parameters for the new trajectory would be appreciated (e.g. what distance for which weapon system, attack angle, default altitude).
I don't know if it is even possible to force the AI to lock onto a target logic with guided missiles. In Achilles they are just treated like unguided rockets as a consequence.

IZSparkle commented 4 years ago

Ah, I think weapons system like ACE's AGM and Kh-25 semi-active guidance versions can have the range of 2km-4km. But then, as you said, I am not sure if you can force AI though it seems, from my experience with Achilles' target module and VLS (which launches missile to no end when they find a target module with tracking for the side to lock), it may be possible, but then, it could just be AIs doing their own thing. If you guys CAN get it to work, then those would be 2-4km from the target, I think as far as altitude go, it would be good to have adjustable one as different terrain calls for different altitude. Hope this is helpful! Good work out there!

BloodSoakedBandit commented 3 years ago

If this module could also have the direction of attack to be selectable/assignable. For example either attack direction South or attack direction 180°. Actual compass heading would give more flexibility, but cardinals and subcardinals would be enough too.

Even though I assume this next point is dependent on AI, it would be cool if along with the attack heading the zeus could select/assign a weapon employment/flight altitude.