zen-mode / Whatsapp-Zen-Mode

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Visibility Schedule (for a chat) #196

Closed liatzionimorad closed 2 years ago

liatzionimorad commented 2 years ago

יSelective show Show the group only Days selector Hours selector

Something like this: image

ripper234 commented 2 years ago

Three options

  1. All the time
  2. Weekdays (ask the user what time range every day)
  3. Custom
ripper234 commented 2 years ago

Option 1


(All the Time instead of Every Day)

ripper234 commented 2 years ago

And "Visibility Schedule" instead of "Allow notifications".

ripper234 commented 2 years ago

Option 2


A) For now, Weekdays are Sundays-Thursday B) This should be reflected in both the order of days, and the reminder text

You won't see this group on Friday or Saturday.

ripper234 commented 2 years ago

Option C

(Should start on Sunday)


ripper234 commented 2 years ago

In all three options, there should be text above, that explains the feature:

You'll only see this chat in the days/hours you choose. (you can always access it via archived groups or Show Hidden Groups)

liatzionimorad commented 2 years ago
  1. Dev :. What if the chat is hidden and the visibility schedule is set. What logic should we use? Suggestion: For hidden chats, there will be no item with setting a schedule at all. When the schedule is set and we hide the chat in the dialog with the choice of hiding options, write "This action will cancel the visibility schedule"

@ripper234 - this makes sense to me please approve

  1. Do we need to somehow distinguish between manually hidden chats and scheduled chats? @ripper234 - I think not at this stage please approve

    What should happen to the chat hiding schedule when we click "Show Chat"?

@ripper234 To my view should show all.

liatzionimorad commented 2 years ago

Hebrew translation: There is also a request from the developer. Please provide correct Hebrew translations of the following phrases:

ripper234 commented 2 years ago
  1. Good suggestion, agreed.

  2. No need right now.

  3. Hiding a chat cancels the visibility schedule. So, when a user clicks "Show Chat", it returns to "Show All". Any information about previous visibility schedules is not saved.


  1. "אתה תראה את הצ'ט הזה רק בימים/שעות לבחירתך. (ניתן תמיד לגשת לצ'ט דרך הארכיון או רשימת הצ'טים המוסתרים)"

  2. Custom - נראה לי ש "מותאם אישית" יותר מתאים, לא?