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Catalog language-file loading, no fallbacks for non-english languages? #6507

Open lat9 opened 3 weeks ago

lat9 commented 3 weeks ago

Originally identified in this Zen Cart forum posting.

I think that the issue lies on line 98 https://github.com/zencart/zencart/blob/25da25cd6460d43d922a66d0b726e35ba18f5e59/includes/classes/ResourceLoaders/ArraysLanguageLoader.php#L90-L101

This arises with the processing of the 'extra' main language files' load, where the 'english' fall-back isn't made https://github.com/zencart/zencart/blob/25da25cd6460d43d922a66d0b726e35ba18f5e59/includes/classes/ResourceLoaders/CatalogArraysLanguageLoader.php#L60-L78

That forum-post identified the issue as coming from an additional constant that was added to lang.header.php.

lat9 commented 2 weeks ago

Actually, why are those $extraFiles not present in /includes/languages/{language}/extra_definitions like all other language files needed for every page?