zencitta / 261854162

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Learn git #4

Open zencitta opened 8 years ago

zencitta commented 8 years ago

3 states for file

zencitta commented 8 years ago

git configuration stored at 3 places

1. systemwise


2. userwise

~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config

3. Projectwise


zencitta commented 8 years ago

git rm --cached {filename} remove file from tracking area but keep at working area

zencitta commented 8 years ago

use git tag to tag version release and remember to push origin

zencitta commented 8 years ago

upload local folder to git server

  1. git init git add . git commit -m "initial push" , create local git repo
  2. mkdir repo.git git init --bare , create remote git repo
  3. at local folder, run git remote add origin user@ip:repo.git
  4. git push origin master