zend10 / AL-chan

Unofficial Android client for AniList, a place where you can track Anime and Manga.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Save filters in Explore #129

Open BaccanoMob opened 9 months ago

BaccanoMob commented 9 months ago

I usually search with almost the same parameters every time. I think it would be a great feature to implement as it saves a lot of time from selecting from drop downs and adjusting sliders.

Possible idea: Screenshot_20230814_171355_AL-chan

The Red boxs could be like similar to the genre labels in some entry, which you click it gets the saved filter instead of just including 1 genre. When it overflows the width, it can have a slider or go to the next line


Alternatively you can make it as drop-down/drawer menu.

Also, the Blue box will save the selected filters and we will choose a name that will appear on the list.