zend10 / AL-chan

Unofficial Android client for AniList, a place where you can track Anime and Manga.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Redesign recommendations cards #144

Open BaccanoMob opened 8 months ago

BaccanoMob commented 8 months ago

While in smaller screens the design looks decent. Screenshot_20231021_120058_AL-chan

But in larger screens the width of the cards are really big.

Screenshot_20231021_115239_AL-chan It might be a good idea to set a max width of possible.

Or use a similar card model from Manga/Anime list to have a more compact view


(Or have a setting option to choose one or the other like in Manga/Anime list)

BaccanoMob commented 8 months ago

Btw I prefer it have the compact view since most manga have 10+ recs and scrolling through them again and again is cumbersome (since scroll gets reset when selecting the rec and back)