zendalona / UQMS

Accessible User-Query-Management-System
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[DMP 2024]: Accessible User Query Management System #1

Open Nalin-x-Linux opened 2 months ago

Nalin-x-Linux commented 2 months ago

Ticket Contents


The project aims to enhance the open-source ticketing system Trudesk by integrating critical accessibility features and advanced functionalities. The primary goal is to make Trudesk more inclusive and efficient for all users, including those with disabilities.

The main problems addressed are:

  1. Lack of accessibility in existing ticketing systems, making them difficult to use for people with disabilities.
  2. Inefficient ticket management due to manual tagging and sorting processes.
  3. Absence of community support features like public forums.
  4. Inflexibility to cater to organization-specific needs.

To solve these problems, the project proposes the following solutions:

  1. Accessibility Enhancements: Optimize Trudesk for screen readers and assistive technologies, ensuring full accessibility for users with disabilities.
  2. Advanced Functionalities: Implement auto-tagging, auto-categorization, and voice input capabilities to streamline ticket management.
  3. Public Forums Integration: Create public forums within Trudesk, enabling users to collaborate and share knowledge.
  4. Organization-Specific Enhancements: Develop automatic documentation suggestions and customizable knowledge bases tailored to frequent queries.

Goals & Mid-Point Milestone



No response

Expected Outcome

The key deliverables of the project include: - Accessibility patches for Trudesk to ensure compliance with accessibility standards. - Public question polling interface and public forums for community engagement. - Efficient question searching, answer polling, and thread merging features. - Knowledge base creation and FAQ generation based on user queries. - Document suggestion system and voice-based query creation (stretch goal). - Integration of private ticket tracking and public forums. - Comprehensive testing and documentation.

Acceptance Criteria

No response

Implementation Details

Javascript, web, etc


No response

Product Name

Accessible UQMS

Organisation Name



⁠Learning & Development

Tech Skills Needed






shreyp135 commented 2 months ago

Hello @Nalin-x-Linux , I'm Shreyansh Paliwal, a first-year undergraduate student at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, studying BTech in Information Technology. I am proficient in full stack web development using the MERN stack. I'm interested in this project and would love to be a part of it :)

DGRYZER commented 2 months ago

Hello, My name is Debajyoti Ghosh. I am a Frontend Developer (Fresher). I am sharing some features that this should have. These features are following -

  1. Customizable Dashboard:

    • Allow users to personalize their dashboard layout and widgets for quick access to relevant information.
  2. Real-Time Notifications:

    • Implement notifications for new tickets, updates, and forum activities to keep users informed.
  3. Smart Ticket Routing:

    • Develop algorithms to automatically assign tickets to the most appropriate agents based on workload and expertise.
  4. Integration with Third-Party Tools:

    • Enable integration with popular tools like Slack, Jira, or email for seamless communication and workflow management.
  5. Knowledge Base Analytics:

    • Provide insights into knowledge base usage and effectiveness through analytics and reporting tools.
  6. Multilingual Support:

    • Support multiple languages to cater to diverse user bases and facilitate global accessibility.
  7. Mobile Optimization:

    • Ensure responsive design and mobile-friendly interfaces for accessibility on various devices.
  8. Gamification Elements:

    • Incorporate gamification elements such as badges, points, or leaderboards to encourage user engagement and contribution.
  9. API for Integration:

    • Offer an API for easy integration with external systems and custom development.
  10. Advanced Search Functionality:

    • Enhance search capabilities with filters, sorting options, and natural language processing for efficient information retrieval.
  11. Customer Feedback Mechanism:

    • Implement feedback forms or surveys to gather insights from users and improve system usability.
  12. Security Enhancements:

    • Strengthen security measures with features like two-factor authentication, encryption, and access controls.
  13. Ticket Escalation Workflow:

    • Design a workflow for escalating critical tickets to higher authorities or specialized teams for prompt resolution.
  14. Performance Optimization:

    • Optimize system performance through code refactoring, caching mechanisms, and database tuning.
  15. User Role Management:

    • Define different user roles with varying permissions to control access and maintain data security.

Thank You. Debajyoti Ghosh.

khushinj commented 2 months ago

Hello, I'm Khushi Joshi , A frontend developer intern and I'm interested in this project would like to contribute to it along with solving the bugs and issues and making the software user-friendky for the users

Ishan-53 commented 2 months ago

Hello @Nalin-x-Linux , I'm Ishan, I am proficient in full stack web development using the MERN stack. I'm interested in this project and would love to be a part of it :)

Nitish0777 commented 2 months ago

Hey @Nalin-x-Linux, I am eager to contribute in this project. Like i have experience in MERN stack and also i have good understanding in Backend framework like Node.js.Currently I am in 3rd year looking some open source project for upskilling and learn new things from projects

Mikhiel39 commented 2 months ago

Hello, My name is Mikhiel Sujeet Benji, and I am a full-stack developer. I am interested in contributing to your project and would like to suggest some features that can be added to it:

  1. Real-time chat support
  2. AI-powered ticket tagging
  3. Integration with communication channels
hanzalahwaheed commented 2 months ago

Hey @Nalin-x-Linux, This is Hanzalah! I'm a Full Stack Developer proficient with the MERN Stack. I'm currently exploring technologies such as NextJS and Docker. I have also participated in a few opensource programs like Hacktoberfest 2023, KWOC 2023, SSoC 2023. Would love to contribute to the project and add more value to it. Here is my portfolio: hanzalahwaheed.me

supriyajathar commented 2 months ago

Hello @Nalin-x-Linux,

I'm eager to contribute to the project and learn from it . I'm a Full Stack Developer proficient with the MERN Stack With expertise in React JS, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS, I'm keen to apply my skills and contribute meaningfully to the project.

Asymtode712 commented 2 months ago

Hey @Nalin-x-Linux ,

I'm a Full Stack Developer proficient in MERN stack. I am keen to contribute in this project and would like to suggest fixes and some additional features:

Accessibility Enhancements: Technical Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ARIA

Advanced Functionalities: Technical Stack: NLP libraries (for voice input)

Public Forums Integration: Technical Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js

Organization-Specific Enhancements: Technical Stack: ML libraries (for automatic documentation suggestions)

Additional features

Virgarg7 commented 2 months ago

Hey @Nalin-x-Linux,

I'm skilled in MERN stack development and eager to contribute to this project. Here are some suggestions for enhancements and additional features:

Improving Accessibility: Technical Tools: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ARIA

  1. Enhance ARIA Roles and Attributes: Introduce ARIA attributes like role="button", aria-label, and aria-labelledby to improve accessibility for screen readers.
  2. Implement Keyboard Navigation: Enable keyboard navigation using JavaScript for easy application exploration without a mouse.
  3. Toggle High Contrast Mode: Add a toggle button to switch between high contrast and normal mode, improving readability.
  4. Regular Screen Reader Testing: Ensure compatibility with popular screen readers like NVDA, VoiceOver, and JAWS.

Advanced Functionalities: Technical Tools: NLP Libraries (for voice input)

  1. Auto-tagging and Categorization: Utilize NLP libraries for automatic tagging and categorization of incoming tickets based on content analysis.
  2. Enable Voice Input: Integrate speech recognition libraries to allow users to create and manage tickets via voice commands.
  3. Streamline Ticket Management: Integrate auto-tagging with the ticket creation form for efficient tagging suggestions.

Integration with Public Forums: Technical Tools: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js

  1. Develop Forum Components: Create React components for forum interaction and design a database schema for forum data storage.
  2. Implement Backend API Endpoints: Create Express.js endpoints for forum CRUD operations with proper authentication.
  3. Enable Real-time Updates: Utilize WebSockets for real-time forum updates without page refreshes.
  4. Define User Permissions: Establish user roles (admins, moderators, regular users) for forum participation.

Custom Enhancements for Organizations: Technical Tools: ML Libraries (for documentation suggestions)

  1. Recommend Documentation Articles: Develop ML-based recommendation system for suggesting relevant documentation based on tickets and queries.
  2. Customizable Knowledge Bases: Design schema for organization-specific FAQs and articles, allowing customization based on user feedback.
  3. Integration with Ticketing System: Link knowledge base articles to relevant tickets for easy access.

Additional Features:

  1. Voice Interaction: Integration with speech recognition APIs for voice-based interaction.
  2. Language Translation: Automatic translation for multilingual support.
  3. Screen Reader Compatibility: Integration with screen readers for optimized accessibility.
  4. Social Media Integration: Facilitate sharing and collaboration via social media platforms.
  5. ML-driven Suggestions: Provide intelligent suggestions based on user interactions.
  6. Real-time Collaboration: Enable live chat or co-editing for collaborative ticket resolution.

Let me know your thoughts on these enhancements and features. Looking forward to contributing!

amamisha59 commented 2 months ago


I'm Amisha, a frontend developer eager to broaden my skills into backend development and beyond. Given the nature of this project, I believe we can create a website with a color scheme that accommodates colorblind individuals, ensuring accessibility for all users. Additionally, integrating features such as voice recognition or even facial recognition for authentication could greatly enhance the user experience, particularly for those with disabilities. I'm excited about the prospect of leveraging technology to empower and support disabled individuals, and I'm keen to explore how we can incorporate these innovative solutions into our project.

Looking forward to contributing to this meaningful endeavor!

Sufia-ahmad commented 2 months ago

I'm Sufia, and I am full stack developer, but I am fresher I only completed the 6 months of training and one month of internship in frontend developer so, I want to do the internship.

tusharshah21 commented 2 months ago

Hey @Nalin-x-Linux , Got an idea for the issues this project is facing! First off, we'll team up with accessibility experts and folks who use assistive tech to make Trudesk more accessible. Think of it like adding ramps and wider doors for people who use wheelchairs. Next, we'll use fancy tech stuff like machine learning to help Trudesk organize tickets automatically. This means less manual work tagging tickets! Plus, we'll add voice input so you can talk to Trudesk instead of typing everything. Then, we'll throw in a community forum where everyone can chat and help each other out. Lastly, we'll let organizations tweak Trudesk to fit their needs better. It's like customizing your phone's settings to make it just right for you. With these changes, Trudesk will be easier to use, more helpful, and better suited for different groups of people and organizations. Looking forward to implement it!

nil2022 commented 1 month ago

Hello, @Nalin-x-Linux. Myself Nilanjan, a skilled backend developer who has transitioned smoothly from Node.js to React.js full-stack development, and I would like to contribute to this project.

Looking forward to joining the open source team and making contributions to this project.

Apurv428 commented 1 month ago

Hello mentor @Nalin-x-Linux , could you provide information regarding the interview process? Has it already started or is it yet to begin? Thank you!