Open bstrech opened 10 years ago
We'll need to use params.require
and .permit
in the controller. It'll add some annoying complexity, but it shouldn't be too hard.
We often create our features via a migration or seed so that we have them across all of our environments rather than create them via the controller. We only use the controller to change the deployment percentage.
I forgot to mention that we are trying to go with config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true
I didn't realize Rails 4 had any support for model-level protection. I thought it had totally moved to the controller in the form of StrongParams. I guess we could try to figure out a better condition than if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4
. Perhaps we can detect whitelist_attributes
Are you including the protected_attributes
gem? I can't find anywhere in Rails 4 proper that actually does anything with whitelist_attributes
other than just emit warnings.
Yes I am using the protected_attributes gem
Unfortunately, Rails 4.0 still defines attr_accessible
def attr_accessible(*args)
raise "`attr_accessible` is extracted out of Rails into a gem. " \
"Please use new recommended protection model for params" \
"(strong_parameters) or add `protected_attributes` to your " \
"Gemfile to use old one."
That means we can't use introspection like
attr_accessible :symbol, :deployment_percentage if respond_to?(:attr_accessible)
The only thing I can think of would be
attr_accessible :symbol, :deployment_percentage
# Rails 4.0 doesn't support attr_accessible, but does define it
or the equally gross
if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 || Object.const_defined?(:ProtectedAttributes)
attr_accessible :symbol, :deployment_percentage
Yes, both of those solutions are less than ideal, but turns out I don't need it for now.
After removing the usage of the protected_attributes gem, my project is now ok. I never made the conversion, I am going to just use strong attributes. I am ok, but imagine someone out there is going to upgrade to 4.0 and need to keep protected_attributes.
Creating a new feature doesn't work.
feature = Arturo::Feature.create(:symbol=>:new_one, :deployment_percentage=>0) ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes for Arturo::Feature: deployment_percentage, symbol
In feature.rb attr_accessible :symbol, :deployment_percentage if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 4
We don't have attr_accessible in rails 4 :(