zendesk / out_of_office_app

An app to keep track of, prepare for, and handle out of office agents and their tickets
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Available/ Unavailable Not Visibly Updating #242

Open ahjert opened 6 years ago

ahjert commented 6 years ago

When clicking the green Available tab, the tab text and color does not update to Unavailable red and vis versa. However, refreshing the browser window will show the change was made.

Nebopolis commented 6 years ago

@arunyan Which browser and OS are you seeing this behavior on? Has it started happening recently?

meowterspace88 commented 6 years ago

@Nebopolis MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 & Chrome 66 & 67 - This behavior started happening about a week or so ago, and was not happening prior.

Nebopolis commented 6 years ago

@arunyan @meowterspace88 I need a bit more info in order to diagnose:

Thank you for reporting the issue and hopefully we'll be able to get to the bottom of it. Just to manage expectations, if it does turn out to be a bug in the app there isn't an ETA for updating it - I don't currently have concrete plans on when it will be updated to framework v2, and until then I'm unable to patch the app. My hope is that we can narrow down the issue and identify a workaround.

ahjert commented 6 years ago

@Nebopolis Thanks for responding. This is happening within the user profile and ticket sidebar, but does not experience this issue within the app dashboard. It continues to happen even after clearing all browser cache and cookies.

https://share.squarespace.com/3U3s2Y0X3f2V https://share.squarespace.com/0D1q0H0d262T https://share.squarespace.com/2L3r0p3Z1h2z - No issue in app dash

This is effecting the majority of our agents, but a few are not seeing the issue eithin either the profile or within a ticket. https://squarespace.zendesk.com/api/v2/apps/installations.json

jka44 commented 6 years ago

Hi @Nebopolis Same issue here :) I'm not able to switch agent as unavailable (still in green in the agent list - https://iadvize.zendesk.com/agent/apps/out-of-office)
Feel free if you need more details

Nebopolis commented 6 years ago

Hi all, (@arunyan @jka44 @meowterspace88)

I've gotten some time to dig at this and for some reason wasn't able to replicate the issue on any test accounts. At this point I think it'd be best if you open a ticket with Zendesk support, and specify that the issue is a recent issue that appears to be framework related rather than app-specific. Feel free to CC me on the ticket (bevans@zendesk\<dot>com). That way I'll be able to work with the support agent to more seamlessly debug things. I do have some plans on how to update the app to framework v2 that might help, but that is still a ways out on the timeline.