Closed whithajess closed 8 years ago
I think that advice is out of date – as of Kafka 0.9, there's no direct communication between Kafka clients and Zookeeper. You should connect directly to the brokers.
Im not saying it is necessarily up to date but According to the Kafka 0.10.0/0.9.0.X Documentation:
Creating a topic -
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
Sending some messages -
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
Start a Consumer -
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning
My experience with other Kafka integrations follow this pattern (Producer to Kafka and Consumer from Zookeeper) see:
If you have any references to why this should not be the case I would love to check them out.
@withajees the "new" Java producer and consumer don't talk through zookeeper as of 0.9. In fact, as of 0.9, you can use Kafka without requiring a zookeeper connection for most things. Topic creation needs zk still right now, and some of the old scripts and clients still rely on zk, but it is not needed anymore at all.
Hey Guys, thanks for the info. I also asked on the Kafka user mailing list and they confirmed:
... zookeeper was used to store information about topics, consumers, and offsets (version 0.8.-ish). In newer versions of kafka (0.9. and 0.10.*) those values are instead written to internal topics for Kafka to manage consumers, topics, and offsets.
and that
So much (possibly all?) of the functionality that zookeeper provided is being deprecated in favor of storing that info in kafka.
Doesn't look this is currently possible although maybe I am missing something? Is this going to make its way on to the RoadMap?
From what I understand you want to be connecting to Zookeeper not directly to Kafka.
Maybe you could shed some light @dasch?