zendesk / samson

Web interface for deployments, with plugin architecture and kubernetes support
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Bitbucket support #1

Open jwswj opened 10 years ago

jwswj commented 10 years ago

At the moment Samson relies heavily on Github. It would be great to see Bitbucket support added.

ryan0x44 commented 10 years ago

Absolutely :+1: Will have a look next weekend if no one beats me to it!

inakiabt commented 10 years ago


jrutter commented 9 years ago


geshan commented 9 years ago


splitice commented 9 years ago


kevinkaske commented 9 years ago


jacopocappelli1989 commented 8 years ago


jwswj commented 8 years ago

Lots of +1s - anyone interested in building it?

ryan0x44 commented 8 years ago

I still am, but shortly after my last comment I moved on to a job where I no longer use Samson :( If I can find some spare time on weekends I'll try to contribute! Maybe we could start by sketching out a plan, to at least make it easier for anyone to contribute?

From a quick scan of the code, it looks like there is GitHub support for OAuth, Pull Request compares & commenting, and deployment logging? Is this correct @jwswj?

I guess a good first step would be to abstract the current GitHub code into an adapter with a generic interface, then next step would be to add an adapter for BitBucket (opening the possibility to add other providers such as GitLab)?

sandlerr commented 8 years ago

That sounds reasonable to me. Ideally we would build adapters as plugins. On 22 Aug 2015 5:37 pm, "Ryan Djurovich" notifications@github.com wrote:

I still am, but shortly after my last comment I moved on to a job where I no longer use Samson :( If I can find some spare time on weekends I'll try to contribute! Maybe we could start by sketching out a plan, to at least make it easier for anyone to contribute?

From a quick scan of the code, it looks like there is GitHub support for OAuth, Pull Request compares & commenting, and deployment logging? Is this correct @jwswj https://github.com/jwswj?

I guess a good first step would be to abstract the current GitHub code into an adapter with a generic interface, then next step would be to add an adapter for BitBucket (opening the possibility to add other providers such as GitLab)?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zendesk/samson/issues/1#issuecomment-133648856.

ryan0x44 commented 8 years ago

Great idea @sandlerr!

jwswj commented 8 years ago

@kernel-io probably not with comments like that. If you're interested why don't you draft up an approach and post a link here? @ryandjurovich will probably help out. We're supportive of adding this functionality, but we use Github at Zendesk so don't have the need ourselves at the moment.

dcwq commented 8 years ago


udomsak commented 8 years ago

+1 , So @ryan0x44 please notify when you commit pull request may be i can you :) :+1:

bkopy commented 7 years ago

Is this issue under development? It would be really nice :) I'm waiting for that.

agomezrodriguez commented 7 years ago


jonmoter commented 7 years ago

I'm not aware of anyone actively working on this, but we accept pull requests.

wafcio commented 6 years ago

It appeared that we need to use access token (and refresh token) which are available via Oauth2, for bitbucket authentication. We have two gems: https://rubygems.org/gems/omniauth-bitbucket (have unreleased update to oauth2) and https://rubygems.org/gems/omniauth-bitbucket2. Unfortunatelly both of them have problem with Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error, invalid_request: redirect_uri does not match described here https://github.com/birmacher/omniauth-bitbucket2/issues/1. I need to hack them to resolve this problem (I was able to do it). I have two questions:

  1. Do you prefer to use released version on rubygems (second gem) or you allow to have unreleased gem in Gemfile?
  2. I know that monkey patching is bad but without monkey patching we cannot use any of above gems with Oauth2. I prepared somethink like this:
    module OmniAuth
    module Strategies
    class Bitbucket2 < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
      def callback_url
        full_host + script_name + callback_path

    but it will be good to hear your idea about how we should deal with it.

grosser commented 6 years ago

either is fine ... would prefer the monkey-patch with clear docs on when it can be removed over github dependency ... if omniauth-bitbucket is dead/unmaintained also fine to switch to omniauth-bitbucket2

wafcio commented 6 years ago

In omniuth-bitbucket something happened in this year on github and omniauth-bitbucket2 looks like dead gem.

grosser commented 6 years ago

Prefer to get a hold of the author of omniauth-bitbucket via email/twitter etc and ask them to add you/someone as maintainer ... so we don't end up with a split user base / bad gems ...

grosser commented 5 years ago

see https://github.com/zendesk/samson/pull/3227 for how to do it