zendesk / samson

Web interface for deployments, with plugin architecture and kubernetes support
1.45k stars 234 forks source link

karmada: ignore sync failure errors since they are temporary #4109

Closed a7i closed 3 months ago

a7i commented 3 months ago

Note: Samson is a public repo, do not include Zendesk-internal information, urls, etc.

[21:10:10]   Normal ScalingReplicaSet: Scaled up replica set gatekeeper-controller-manager-7f4d5cb774 to 2 from 1
[21:10:10]   Warning SyncFailed: Failed to create or update resource(gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-controller-manager) in member cluster(eks-sandbox): Operation cannot be fulfilled on deployments.apps "gatekeeper-controller-manager": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
[21:10:10]   Normal ScalingReplicaSet: Scaled down replica set gatekeeper-controller-manager-f66b56897 to 0 from 1 x3
[21:10:10] Sandbox gatekeeper HorizontalPodAutoscaler gatekeeper-controller-manager events:
[21:10:10]   Normal ScheduleBindingSucceed: Binding has been scheduled successfully. x7
[21:10:10]   Normal ApplyPolicySucceed: Apply cluster policy(duplicate) succeed x2

