zendesk / sunshine-conversations-python

Smooch API Library for Python
Apache License 2.0
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400 errors when creating a new custom integration #14

Open brandon-kucera opened 9 months ago

brandon-kucera commented 9 months ago


with sunshine_conversations_client.ApiClient(self.__sunco_config) as api_client:
    api_instance = sunshine_conversations_client.IntegrationsApi(api_client)
        integration = sunshine_conversations_client.Integration(
        api_response = api_instance.create_integration(self.__sunco_app_id, integration)
    except sunshine_conversations_client.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling IntegrationsApi->create_integration: %s\n" % e)

Results in: HTTP response body: {"errors":[{"code":"bad_request","title":"should have required property 'webhooks'"}]}

As far as I can tell webhooks is not required when creating a new custom integration, it is not clear to me where I should even be setting this.

brandon-kucera commented 9 months ago

while I'm here - there are some pretty dubious errors coming back even when I hit the HTTP API directly.

request body: {'type': 'custom', 'displayName': 'brandonk', 'webhooks': [{'target': 'target', 'triggers': 'ee'}]} error: ('{"errors":[{"code":"bad_request","title":".webhooks: should not have more ' 'than 1 items"}]}')

request body: {'type': 'custom', 'displayName': 'brandonk', 'webhooks': []} error: ('{"errors":[{"code":"bad_request","title":"should have required property ' '\'webhooks\'"}]}')