zendesk / zcli

A command-line tool for Zendesk
Apache License 2.0
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Can I please help make this a bit easier to use? #106

Open TimOgilvy opened 2 years ago

TimOgilvy commented 2 years ago


I want to be able to perform continuous integration testing on my app and other best practices, because I have been a little spoiled by using create-react-app instead of coding things the hard way, and I'm a big dreamer. Plus, I like the Zendesk platform, and I'd like to help.

I'd like to contribute to the community and conversation by making it easier for new app developers to get their app development pipeline up and running quickly and cleanly.

My dream Zendesk react-app boilerplate uses WebPack, TypeScript and Jest in conjunction with the Zengarden toolkit and other nice things.


Very simple snippets and examples - they make perfect sense and it's not Zendesk's job to hold our hand as developers so I don't expect you to solve this for me - I just want to know how to get involved and contribute a toolkit that isn't wasted.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Try to make an app
  2. Realise that the pipeline for development includes a lot of trial and error
  3. Feel sad
  4. Think about contributing to the solution

Issue details

I have about 3 months before we replace Zendesk with an ERP platform where I can meaningfully contribute to this, if you can help me understand how you would like me to contribute, I'd like to give the Zendesk App developer community a boost, by making some easy to use development pipeline templates.

My stack will be React, Typescript, Jest and CircleCI, but if we put our heads together we should be able to make those parts interchangeable.

Outcomes and Benefits

A handy boilerplate makes most painful issues go away and makes starting, building and testing zendesk apps about learning to solve the business problem, not the development problem, leading to more keen zendesk app developers playing along.

Less time for the Zendesk team answering the same question repeatedly.


The docs here are not getting a lot of UAT, I may be a complete clown noob and incapable of reading docs correctly, but community feedback makes docs great. Let us help?

TimOgilvy commented 2 years ago

I've added PR https://github.com/zendesk/zcli/pull/107 for the docs folder as a starting point, hopefully it's useful!

TimOgilvy commented 2 years ago

Looks like the app scaffolds have been updated too... very helpful!


Is the only way to keep up to date with this stuff to dig around, or am I missing an obvious thread somewhere?