zendesk / zcli

A command-line tool for Zendesk
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feat: added support for logging in to different environments #196

Closed Fredx87 closed 11 months ago

Fredx87 commented 11 months ago


This PR adds support for logging in to different domains, specifying an optional domain flag during the login process. This flag is optional and everything should work as before when only the subdomain is specified.

This feature is useful for working with development environments. Let's say that a development environment is hosted on the example.com domain, now it is possible to do

zcli login -s zendesk-subdomain -d example.com -i

and zcli will call the APIs using the https://zendesk-subdomain.example.com URL instead of https://zendesk-subdomain.zendesk.com.

It is also possible to use the ZENDESK_DOMAIN environment variables for CI/CD or unattended login.

This new feature works as well with the profiles command. The profiles:list will display only the subdomain for profiles where the domain wasn't specified during the login (as before), and it will display both the subdomain and the domain if the domain was specified during the login.

The profiles:use and profiles:remove commands will work as before specifying only the subdomain or subdomain.domain in the case the domain was specified during the login.

For example, if the user logged in to these accounts: zcli login -s test -i zcli login -s account2 -i zcli login -s test -d example.com -i zcli login -s another-account -d example.com -i

The output of profiles:list will be:


And it will be possible to call profiles:use or profiles:remove passing either test, account2, test.example.com or another-account.example.com.

c90f0b3 feat: added support for logging in to different environments

e6761a4 chore: removed useless undefined


This PR changes how profiles are stored in the config. Before we had an object with only the subdomain ({subdomain: string}) and now it can store the optional domain as well ({subdomain: string, domain?: string}).

It also changes how things are stored in the SecureStore, where the key for storing credentials for profiles with only a subdomain will be the subdomain itself (as before, to make it backward compatible). The key will be instead subdomain.domain for profiles with both, and this makes it possible to use the same subdomain with different domains (like test and test.example.com as shown in the previous examples).

When the ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN env variable is set, the domain will be set to the ZENDESK_DOMAIN env variable if set, or it will be empty otherwise. This is to avoid reading the domain for the current logged-in profile if an unattended login is made passing the ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN env variable and omitting the ZENDESK_DOMAIN one.


etanxing commented 11 months ago