zendesk / zcli

A command-line tool for Zendesk
Apache License 2.0
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zcli apps:validate throws Error: Invalid zip file #209

Closed johnhutchins closed 7 months ago

johnhutchins commented 7 months ago


Package validation should be run, but the error indicates that my zip file is invalid, even though we are not on that step yet. Using guide from: https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/apps/build-an-app/build-your-first-support-app/part-5-installing-the-app-in-zendesk-support/


Throws error of: Error: Invalid zip file

Steps to Reproduce

  1. run zcli login -i
  2. run zcli apps:validate

Issue details

johnhutchins commented 7 months ago

Update: there was a node_modules folder that was causing this to fail. Removing node_modules resolved the above error.