zendesk / zendesk_apps_tools

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RACK LIVERELOAD SCHEME/ Theme reload issue #411

Closed ashwinkshenoy closed 9 months ago

ashwinkshenoy commented 10 months ago

Hello team,

Rack livereload gem has been updated and new variable called RACK_LIVERELOAD_SCHEMA has been added to v0.5.1 Link and difference here (search for this.scheme in difference link).

Either we add the variable in file: lib/zendesk_apps_tools/theme.rb after line number 107, something like:

<script type="text/javascript">


we stick to version 0.3.17 as this variable is not present and ws is in the gem code file and we specify the version in zendesk_apps_tools.gemspec file.

Any new installations /upgrades to ZAT will cause this issue of theme server auto-reload breaking, when we do zat theme preview.

Hopefully we can get a fix for this!
