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Generic Field #2

Open wycliffepeart opened 11 months ago

wycliffepeart commented 11 months ago

24 > #2


An application form is a document or digital form used by organizations, businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, or other entities to collect specific information from individuals who are applying for something. This "something" could be a job, admission to a school or university, a loan, a membership, a license, a contest, or any other opportunity or service.

Application forms typically include fields or sections where applicants are required to enter personal information, such as their name, address, contact details, date of birth, and social security number.

Specimen: Examples of application form used by different organisations to process applicant request. Click this link to see all files


The application form field refers to the characteristics or elements that make up an application form, which is used to collect information from individuals applying for various purposes, such as jobs, admissions, memberships, or services. These attributes help ensure that the application form effectively gathers the necessary information and serves its intended purpose. Here are some common attributes of an application form:

Component Type Description Story
Title Text A title can be an honorific or formal designation used to indicate a person's rank, profession, or status. #35
FirstName Text A first name, also known as a given name or forename, is the part of a person's name that is used to identify them within their family or social circle. #3
MiddleName Text A middle name attribute refers to the part of a person's full name that falls between their first name (given name) and their last name (surname or family name). #38
LastName Text A last name, also known as a surname or family name, is the part of a person's name that is typically inherited and passed down through generations within a family. #36
TRN Number A TRN, or Taxpayer Registration Number, is a unique identification number assigned to individuals and entities for tax-related purposes in certain countries or regions. #37
Gender Text A gender attribute refers to a characteristic or piece of information related to an individual's gender. #39
Date of Birth Date A date of birth attribute, often abbreviated as "DOB," refers to the specific piece of information on an individual's birth date. #40
Alias Text refers to a data field or attribute used to store an alternative or additional name or identifier associated with an individual, entity, or record. #41
MaritalStatus Text Field used to capture and store information about an individual's current marital status. #42
Education Text Data attribute used to capture and store information about an individual's educational background, including their academic achievements, degrees, and educational institutions attended. #43
Number of Dependents Text Data attribute or field used to capture and store the number of individuals or dependents for whom a person is financially responsible or provides support. #44
Maiden Name Text Data field used to capture and store the last name or family name that a person's mother had before marriage. #46
Dual Citizenship Boolean Indication of whether an individual holds citizenship in more than one country. Dual citizenship may have legal implications and affect an individual's rights and obligations. #47
Place of Birth Text The country or place where the individual was born, can be relevant to determine nationality in some cases. #48
Residency Status Text Information about whether an individual is a permanent resident or temporary resident in a specific country. #49
Resident Of Text Refers to an attribute or field used to capture an individual's residency. #51
Resident Duration Text Refers to an attribute or field used to capture an individual's residency duration. #52
Father Nationality Text Refers to an attribute or field used to capture an individual's father's nationality. #53
Mother Nationality Text Refers to an attribute or field used to capture an individual's mother's nationality. #54
Relationship Text The familial or personal relationship between the individual and their next of kin (e.g., parent, sibling, spouse). #55
Contact Number Text Refers to a specific data field used to collect and store a person's or entity's phone number. #56
Contact Type Text Refers to a specific data field used to collect and store a person's or entity's phone number type. #57
Contact Provider Text Refers to a specific data field used to collect and store a person's or entity's phone number provider. #58
Primary Boolean Refers to a specific data field used to collect and store a person's or entity's contact as primary or not. #59
Address Street Number Text A street number attribute refers to the specific numerical identifier assigned to a building, residence, or property located along a street or road. #61
Address Parish Text A parish typically refers to an administrative division or geographic area within a country #69
Country Text A country attribute refers to a characteristic or piece of information that identifies the specific country associated with an individual, location, or object. It indicates the nation to which something belongs or where it is situated. #60
Address Direction Text An address direction attribute refers to a component of a postal address that provides information about the direction or orientation of a location within a larger geographical area. #62
Address Line One Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the first line of an address #63
Address Line Two Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the Second line of an address #64
Address Postal Region Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the postal or ZIP code region associated with a specific address. #65
Address Postal Code Text Field or data attribute used to store the postal code associated with a specific address. #66
Address Years Occupied Text Field or data attribute used to store the years a person lived at an address #67
Address Months Occupied Text Field or data attribute used to store the months a person lived at an address #68
Employer Name Text The name of the company or organization where you are currently employed #70
Department Text The specific section or division within the company where you are assigned to work. This helps categorize employees based on their roles and responsibilities #71
Employment Status Text Your current work arrangement, indicating whether you are a full-time, part-time, temporary, or contract employee #72
Period of Employment Text The duration for which you have been employed by the company, typically specified in terms of start and end dates or as "Present" if you are currently employed #73
Employment Type Text - Current: This refers to the physical location of the company or organization where you worked currently
- Previous: This refers to the physical location of the company or organization where you worked before
Occupation Text This refers to the job or profession that you had while working for your previous employer. #75
Self Employed Boolean Self-employed refers to an individual who works for themselves, rather than for an employer. N\A
Type of Business Text The type of business refers to the category or industry in which a company operates. N\A
Period of Establishment Text Period of establishment refers to the length of time that a business has been in operation. N\A
Term Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the terms of a financial obligation N\A
Status Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the status of a financial obligation N\A
Frequency Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the frequency of a financial obligation N\A
Amount Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the amount of a financial obligation N\A
Description Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the description of a financial obligation N\A
Type Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the type of financial obligation N\A
Apartment/Suite Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the apartment or suit someone lives in N\A
City Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the city a person lives in N\A
State/Province Text Refers to a data field or attribute that stores information about the state or province N\A

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wycliffepeart commented 11 months ago

@iamshellyan some suggestions and improvements that you can make to this document.

Self-employment is a type of employment so you don't need to add a section for that, a field in the employment section should capture this type.

Try to avoid repeating fields that are already captured in another section, that have the same meaning, instead make a reference to that section, for example:

Field Type Description
address Address The employment address.
iamshellyan commented 11 months ago

@wycliffepeart thanks for the suggestions, I added parish to the address attribute

iamshellyan commented 11 months ago

Wow you did all of this last night......

wycliffepeart commented 11 months ago

@iamshellyan A dedicated folder was created for the specimen, see that section was updated