I'm using Postgresql schemas (without SET search_path). What I'm trying to achieve is getting getLastGeneratedValue with TableGateway when in transaction. I've added new SequenceFeature('id', 'site.table_id_seq') but this throws PDOException. Generated query is
SELECT NEXTVAL('"site.table_id_seq"') and should be SELECT NEXTVAL('"site"."table_id_seq"').
To fix this You should allow arrays as second parameter ( new SequenceFeature('id', ['site', 'table_id_seq')) and change
case 'PostgreSQL':
$sql = 'SELECT NEXTVAL(\'"' . $this->sequenceName . '"\')';
case 'PostgreSQL':
$sql = 'SELECT NEXTVAL(\'' . $platform->quoteIdentifierChain($this->sequenceName) . '\')';
I'm using Postgresql schemas (without SET search_path). What I'm trying to achieve is getting getLastGeneratedValue with TableGateway when in transaction. I've added
new SequenceFeature('id', 'site.table_id_seq')
but this throws PDOException. Generated query is SELECT NEXTVAL('"site.table_id_seq"') and should be SELECT NEXTVAL('"site"."table_id_seq"').To fix this You should allow arrays as second parameter (
new SequenceFeature('id', ['site', 'table_id_seq')
) and changeto
Same for CURRVAL.