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Add Album tutorial to docs #176

Open RalfEggert opened 8 years ago

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

I really love Zend\Expressive so far. To really get in rolling for beginners, I would love to see a tutorial like the Album tutorial for a Zend\Mvc project. It is really nice to see the examples, but beginners will also look for help how to structure their applications based on Zend\Expressive properly.

Any ideas and thoughts about this?

dannym87 commented 8 years ago

This is a great skeleton app for Expressive that provides a good base structure with a couple of small examples.


RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Yep, you are right. It is the perfect start into Zend\Expressive and all its cool features.

But the examples are a little too small for a real world application.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert — Since you asked for it, I'm going to take that as you volunteering to write it. :smile: I'll certainly proofread and provide feedback, if you want to create a WIP pull request for it.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@dannym87 — The skeleton gives structure, but doesn't really go into a full-fledged application; I think @RalfEggert is wanting something that shows off the various features and concerns when creating more than just the home page and a single API endpoint.

codeliner commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert If you're looking for inspiration check out proophessor-do. Since the early days of zend-expressive this demo app is available and shows how expressive can be used to serve an event sourced domain model.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

@codeliner I really like your approach with an event sourced domain model, but (yes there must be one), I was thinking about a beginners tutorial for Zend\Expressive. Event sourcing would be too much for starters. But your structure is a way to start.

@weierophinney Kudos to you! Just turn the demander into the executor! ;-)

I would really love to spend all my free time on this. But currently I am writing on my new ZF3 book so my time is very limited. But I will try to spend as much time as possible on this. Furthermore this tutorial shouldn't be a one man show. I think a good approach would be something like this:

I will start to provide a structure to start the discussion soon. And then we will see how it goes.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

This is the first prototype of a structure to implement the "Getting Started" tutorial (http://framework.zend.com/manual/current/en/user-guide/overview.html) from the manual with Zend\Expressive. It is based on the Skeleton https://github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton.

This is basically the structure of a Zend\Expressive project after the installation. The biggest problem would be that a tutorial will never be able to consider all combinations of routers, containers and template engines. So we should choice a set of components for the tutorial. I have chosen all the possible Zend Framework components for this structure. With other components like FastRoute or Twig it will look different.

+--- config/
|  +--- autoload/
|  |  +--- .gitignore
|  |  +--- dependencies.global.php
|  |  +--- errorhandler.local.php
|  |  +--- local.php.dist
|  |  +--- middleware-pipeline.global.php
|  |  +--- routes.global.php
|  |  +--- templates.global.php
|  |  +--- zend-expressive.global.php
|  +--- config.php
|  +--- container.php
+--- data/
+--- public/
|  +--- assets/
|  +--- .htaccess
|  +--- index.php
+--- src/
|  +--- Action/
|     +---  HomePageAction.php
|     +---  HomePageFactory.php
|     +---  PingAction.php
+--- templates/
|  +--- app/
|  |  +--- home-page.phtml
|  +--- error/
|  |  +--- 404.phtml
|  |  +--- error.phtml
|  +--- layout/
|     +--- default.phtml
+--- test/
|  +--- Action/
|     +---  HomePageActionTest.php
|     +---  HomePageFactoryTest.php
|     +---  PingActionTest.php
+--- vendor/
+--- composer.json

And this is my suggestion for a new more complex structure to implement the album tutorial. I marked all new files and directories.

+--- config/
|  +--- autoload/
|  |  +--- .gitignore
|  |  +--- album.routes.global.php                             <-- new
|  |  +--- album.dependencies.global.php                       <-- new
|  |  +--- album.templates.global.php                          <-- new
|  |  +--- database.global.php                                 <-- new
|  |  +--- dependencies.global.php
|  |  +--- errorhandler.local.php
|  |  +--- local.php.dist
|  |  +--- middleware-pipeline.global.php
|  |  +--- routes.global.php
|  |  +--- templates.global.php
|  |  +--- zend-expressive.global.php
|  +--- config.php
|  +--- container.php
+--- data/
+--- public/
|  +--- assets/
|  +--- .htaccess
|  +--- index.php
+--- src/
|  +--- Action/
|  |  +---  HomePageAction.php
|  |  +---  HomePageFactory.php
|  |  +---  PingAction.php
|  +--- Album/                                                 <-- new
|     +--- Action/                                             <-- new
|     |  +---  CreateAction.php                                <-- new
|     |  +---  CreateActionFactory.php                         <-- new
|     |  +---  DeleteAction.php                                <-- new
|     |  +---  DeleteActionFactory.php                         <-- new
|     |  +---  EditAction.php                                  <-- new
|     |  +---  EditActionFactory.php                           <-- new
|     |  +---  ListAction.php                                  <-- new
|     |  +---  ListActionFactory.php                           <-- new
|     |  +---  ShowAction.php                                  <-- new
|     |  +---  ShowActionFactory.php                           <-- new
|     +--- Entity/                                             <-- new
|     |  +---  AlbumEntity.php                                 <-- new
|     +--- Form/                                               <-- new
|     |  +---  AlbumForm.php                                   <-- new
|     +--- InputFilter/                                        <-- new
|     |  +---  AlbumInputFilter.php                            <-- new
|     +--- Table/                                              <-- new
|        +---  AlbumTable.php                                  <-- new
+--- templates/
|  +--- album/                                                 <-- new
|  |  +--- create.phtml                                        <-- new
|  |  +--- edit.phtml                                          <-- new
|  |  +--- delete.phtml                                        <-- new
|  |  +--- list.phtml                                          <-- new
|  |  +--- show.phtml                                          <-- new
|  +--- app/
|  |  +--- home-page.phtml
|  +--- error/
|  |  +--- 404.phtml
|  |  +--- error.phtml
|  +--- layout/
|     +--- default.phtml
+--- test/
|  +--- Action/
|     +---  HomePageActionTest.php
|     +---  HomePageFactoryTest.php
|     +---  PingActionTest.php
+--- vendor/
+--- composer.json

Any comments?

dannym87 commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert This looks very similar to the structure I've been working on. I started putting together an application yesterday evening using the default FastRoute router, twig, and Doctrine DBAL.

Check it out and let me know what you think


moderndeveloperllc commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert The only suggestion I could make is to not have the single action per class pattern, but to use a single class whose _invoke switches the method to private functions to handle the CRUD. This would make bring the files from 10 to 2 for the Album entity Action/ directory. Maybe I'm just too old school. I think that Apigility still does multiple methods per class, but that might change.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@moderndeveloperllc For RPC, we do a single method; however, how you break that up based on request method is up to you. We typically end up delegating to other methods. For REST, it's a bit different; the end-user doesn't interact with the controller, but rather the resource listener, which has methods for each possible action type. This is more of a service layer, though.

I'm generally of the mind 1 route/HTTP method combination per middleware It makes it far simpler to map, and keeps things nicely compartmentalized. It also removes the possibility of having required dependencies that might never be called — something quite common when you lump handlers for all request methods (not to mention routed paths) into a single class.

moderndeveloperllc commented 8 years ago

@weierophinney Thanks for taking the time to comment on this. You are correct in that I was thinking of the listener layer in Apigility. I guess my brain is trying to make the pattern middleware-as-controller instead of middleware-as-service. @RalfEggert I retract my suggestion :-) I do hope that #171 will help alleviate the need for some of those factory classes when using the zf service manager.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Any comments to the suggested structure at the bottom of https://github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive/issues/176#issuecomment-152104012

I think it is not optimal yet, since the files for the album are spread in three directories /config/, /src/ and /templates/.

What do others think? What is the best practice to write more complex Zend\Expressive applications?

geerteltink commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert I would add a config/autoload/database.local.php as well with the database username and password.

Why add these: album.routes.global.php, album.dependencies.global.php, album.templates.global.php? You can just use the files that are already there: routes.global.php, dependencies.global.php, templates.global.php. Or if you like place all the album config in config/autoload/album.global.php.

Also you place all Album source files in an Album folder. You can just place them in src/, so in stead of src/Album/Action/CreateAction.php you could use src/Action/CreateAlbumAction.php or src/Action/Album/CreateAction.php. This is how I would do it:

+--- src/
|  +--- Action/
|  |  +---  HomePageAction.php
|  |  +---  HomePageFactory.php
|  |  +---  Album/
|  |  |     +---  CreateAction.php
|  |  |     +---  CreateFactory.php
|  |  |     +---  DeleteAction.php
|  |  |     +---  DeleteFactory.php
|  +--- Entity/
|  |  +---  AlbumEntity.php
|  +--- Form/
|  |  +---  AlbumForm.php
|  +--- InputFilter/
|  |  +---  AlbumInputFilter.php
|  +--- Table/
|     +---  AlbumTable.php

The beauty of expressive is that you choose your own structure.

EDIT: Or you can figure out a module structure like in ZF2. It only requires that you need to make sure the config files are loaded in config/config.php. I'm not sure if this works:

// Load config from src/Album/config/autoload/
foreach (Glob::glob('src/*/config/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php', Glob::GLOB_BRACE) as $file) {
    $config = ArrayUtils::merge($config, include $file);
weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert I see pros and cons to both the structure you propose, as well as the one @xtreamwayz proposes. My feedback:

My main feedback: choose something, and start writing!

wwwgo-pl commented 8 years ago

Maybe You can advise how ACL should look like in middleware app? Standard application has modules, controllers and actions which are natural resources. What is resource and privilege (in term of Zend ACL) in Expressive and ZF3? URI? (I see some disadvantages)

akrabat commented 8 years ago

I agree about a single config/autoload/album.global.php too.

The basic choice of organisation comes down:

  1. src, templates and test are top-level directories with App and Application separated within each top-level directory
  2. App and Application are at the top level (within a modules directory) with src, templates and test segregated within.

The structures would then look like:

1. src, templates & test at top-level    *  2. Application and Album at top-level
=====================================    *  =====================================
.                                        *  .
├── config                               *  ├── config
│   ├── autoload                         *  │   ├── autoload
│   │   ├── album.global.php             *  │   │   ├── album.global.php
│   │   ├── ...                          *  │   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── zend-expressive.global.php   *  │   │   └── zend-expressive.global.php
│   ├── config.php                       *  │   ├── config.php
│   └── container.php                    *  │   └── container.php
├── data                                 *  ├── data
├── src                                  *  ├── modules
│   ├── Album                            *  │   ├── Album
│   │   ├── Action                       *  │   │   ├── src
│   │   │   ├── CreateAction.php         *  │   │   │   ├── Action
│   │   │   └── CreateFactory.php        *  │   │   │   │   ├── CreateAction.php
│   │   ├── AlbumEntity.php              *  │   │   │   │   └── CreateFactory.php
│   │   ├── AlbumForm.php                *  │   │   │   ├── AlbumEntity.php
│   │   └── AlbumTable.php               *  │   │   │   ├── AlbumForm.php
│   └── App                              *  │   │   │   └── AlbumTable.php
│       └── Action                       *  │   │   ├── templates
│           ├── HomePageAction.php       *  │   │   │   └── album
│           ├── HomePageFactory.php      *  │   │   │       ├── create.phtml
│           └── PingAction.php           *  │   │   │       └── list.phtml
├── templates                            *  │   │   └── test
│   ├── album                            *  │   │       └── Action
│   │   ├── create.phtml                 *  │   │           ├── CreateActionTest.php
│   │   └── list.phtml                   *  │   │           └── CreateFactoryTest.php
│   ├── app                              *  │   └── App
│   │   └── home-page.phtml              *  │       ├── src
│   ├── error                            *  │       │   └── Action
│   │   ├── 404.phtml                    *  │       │       ├── HomePageAction.php
│   │   └── error.phtml                  *  │       │       ├── HomePageFactory.php
│   └── layout                           *  │       ├── templates
│       └── default.phtml                *  │       │   ├── app
├── test                                 *  │       │   │   └── home-page.phtml
│   ├── Album                            *  │       │   ├── error
│   │   └── Action                       *  │       │   │   ├── 404.phtml
│   │       ├── CreateActionTest.php     *  │       │   │   └── error.phtml
│   │       └── CreateFactoryTest.php    *  │       │   └── layout
│   └── App                              *  │       │       └── default.phtml
│       └── Action                       *  │       └── test
│           ├── HomePageActionTest.php   *  │           └── Action
│           └── HomePageFactoryTest.php  *  │               ├── HomePageActionTest.php
├── public                               *  │               └── HomePageFactoryTest.php
│   ├── ...                              *  ├── public
│   └── index.php                        *  │   ├── ...
└── vendor                               *  │   └── index.php
                                         *  └── vendor

Either works for me.

Whatever you do, don't make the src/ directory map to the \Application namespace and src/Album/ map to the \Album namespace.

asgrim commented 8 years ago

@akrabat I guess on the tree structure, it's going to depend on the scale of application you're working on. Advantages of having modules is that they can easily be separated into re-usable, standalone components.

If you're expecting to scale up with this being a potential future requirement, then having separate modules makes a lot of sense IMO, and they can be tested individually to. If you know you're never going to grow with that kind of requirement, then just having namespaces in the src structure should be fine.

For directly relating to this Album tutorial, I'd be slightly inclined to go with the "scalable" approach of having module\Application and module\Album as it demonstrates a more scalable approach.

Maks3w commented 8 years ago
  1. I like to have the tests as close as possible to the original source. So the test controller could be in the same folder of the production controller. Reduce lot of waste time scrolling folders list up and down for move from test to controller
  2. I prefer use domain names for the directory instead instead by types. So Action folder could be named as "Create" or even not exists and put all the content in the parent directory.
RalfEggert commented 8 years ago


I really like your second approach. It gives a lot of structure which is very important for beginners when they start to learn Zend\Expressive. I really tend to use that structure in the tutorial.

But wouldn't it make sense to start with a similar structure with the Zend\Expressive skeleton? Otherwise the beginning of the tutorial would look like this:

  1. Install Zend\Expressive skeleton
  2. Move application files around to /modules/Application/ path follow proper structure
  3. Start with the new /modules/Album/ to implement album
  4. ...

If the tutorial leaves the Application where they have been installed beginners will be confused. The same applies for one config/autoload/album.global.php file for the Album and for a couple of files for the Application.


geerteltink commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert I would say start with the skeleton anyway. It has an option for beginners with some examples or a bare bone option for pros.

Personally for me the structure is less important. Especially as a beginner I couldn't care less. Yes it would be helpful to mention something about expanding it and I need to start thinking about a modular structure in the future. But as a beginner I would be more interested in how to get a database connection started (doctrine, zend, pdo), forms, users, authentication (sessions, oauth, Ocramius/PSR7Session), authorization, how to separate the backend and the frontend. In a framework most of these are included already, in expressive not. And even though those modules are available in frameworks, people still struggle with them according to the questions on the web. I think that is where a tutorial can be really helpful.

Besides that, why a tutorial for an album? Who actually needs an album? Why not about building your own blog or a basic company website with a contact form etc.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago


I have done a lot of ZF2 consulting in the last two years and in almost every project I identified the same pattern. Due to bad knowledge of how to structure and modularize a ZF2 MVC application the project is a real mess in most cases. People start with basic tutorials and put files almost anywhere. The Application module turns into a God module with dozens and hundreds of classes. To know how to structure an application is essential for beginners.

But you are right. Starting with the skeleton might be a still a good idea. Within such a 2. part explaining HOW to move files around it is the best place to explain WHY to move these files around. That will help beginners how to structure their applications. If the tutorial stuffs database, forms, users, auth, etc. anywhere without really caring of a good base structure will teach beginners how to build applications with a bad structure.

Why an album tutorial? Because the MVC part has it as well and it will be good start for beginners when they compare both tutorials...

geerteltink commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert Thanx for the explanation. Makes perfect sense.

akrabat commented 8 years ago

Tricky, isn't it?! It all depends on how you "think" about application structure.

I think that the "layout 1" option that I presented works well for a lot of even relatively complex applications. Of course, as @asgrim points out, layout 1 doesn't allow for easily reusing a code between applications, though I wonder how common that actually is. Personally, I'd have src/App and test/App directories in the skeleton to make it clear the additional namespaces are encouraged. This would then make it easy to extend it for an album tutorial that fits the current structure.

If you do want to go down then "modules layout" route, then I would start the tutorial by deleting the src, test and templates/app directories completely along with both App autoload lines in composer.json & the relevant sections from the config files in from the config/autoload directory. This would leave you with an "empty" application structure and you can then start with "Now lets create a modules directory..." I probably wouldn't bother with an Application namespace at all and route / to \Album\Action\ListAction. This leaves the top level templates directory holding the layouts and error view scripts, which is probably fine as it saves having to reconfigure them.

Dealing with the configuration is the most complex in some ways as the organisation of the skeleton's set of config/autoload files really doesn't lend itself to easily reorganising, which is why the skeleton lends itself to apps that look more like layout 1 than layout 2.

geerteltink commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure how useful it is, but I could add an option to the skeleton to create layout 1 for small projects and layout 2 for big modular applications. The namespaces are still the same, only the files are saved in a different structure.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago


An option would be nice.


Clearing the application to start with an empty application structure sounds interesting.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert On reflection, and then consultation with @akrabat, I submitted zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton#37, which does the following:

This will allow you to add additional namespaces under the src/ directory within your composer.json file, and thus allow modular directory structures. It should remain compatible with zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton#31 as well.

I'll be merging those changes for RC4, and thus they'll be in the stable product. Hopefully those changes should allow you to proceed!

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Yes, this will make it much easier to follow @akrabat first suggested structure in https://github.com/zendframework/zend-expressive/issues/176#issuecomment-160106303

Personally, I still prefer the second suggested structure. The first structure would mean to spread the files for the Album in several directories while the second combines them in one (except the config part).

I already started coding and will present my structure here soon. We can discuss it then and if the code is finalized, the writing can begin...

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

I finished the first prototype of the code for the tutorial. You can look at it here:


The code is splitted in six branches called part1 to part6. Each branch includes the code for one part of the tutorial. Here is an overview of the 6 parts:

  1. After the installation of the Zend\Expressive skeleton
  2. Adding a new AlbumListAction with template and the config file album.global.php
  3. Adding database config, creating AlbumEntity and AlbumTable and using it within AlbumListAction
  4. Adding AlbumDataForm and AlbumInputFilter with their factories and adding a new AlbumCreateAction with template and config; also added HelperPluginManagerFactory to make form view helper available in the view
  5. Adding AlbumUpdateAction and AlbumDeleteAction and AlbumDeleteForm for updating and deleting albums
  6. Tiding up a little by removing old HomePageAction and PingAction with templates and configuration and making AlbumListAction to deliver the homepage

So, finally I included forms, input filters, table gateways, entities, redirecting, and some other useful stuff. Maybe I will add some refactoring in a optional part 7 to show the modular structure that @akrabat mentioned above. By leaving the structure as it was in the beginning, people can start right away. By helping to restructure the application at the end, people only need to adapt the modular structure when they really want to.

Feedback for the code is heavily welcome. If anything needs to be changed I would rather want this to be done before the writing starts. Otherwise the writing process might be much longer than necessary.

mtymek commented 8 years ago

Good work!

What's your plan on unit tests? I would suggest adding them on every step, so that "Album" module will be fully covered after each part. This would show best practices. I know that it will take some effort, so I can submit some PRs to help. What do you think?

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

@mtymek Yes, any feedback and contribs will be very much appreciated. Just add some unit test to each part branch and I will handle the merging.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

Personally, I still prefer the second suggested structure. The first structure would mean to spread the files for the Album in several directories while the second combines them in one (except the config part).

There's nothing saying you can't put templates, tests, and configuration under those folders; the src/ tree can look just like the modules/ tree of the second example if desired. The changes we made to the default structure allow either approach, though the default classes provided follow the first example.

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert — at first blush, this all looks great. I'll try and do a more thorough review in the coming week.

Thanks for all the effort you're putting in!

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago


There's nothing saying you can't put templates, tests, and configuration under those folders; the src/ tree can look just like the modules/ tree of the second example if desired. The changes we made to the default structure allow either approach, though the default classes provided follow the first example.

Well, while doing the coding I thought it is a better idea to leave the structure as it after installation and just add an additional tutorial part to talk about structure. So we will have both. An easy structure and some ideas for a more modular structure.

Looking forward for further feedback.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Just to inform, we have a discussion about repositories and table gateways and how to implement them the "right way".


RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Here is another idea I came up with.


RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Quick status update. The code for the tutorial in the repo is settled so far. It is separated into six parts while each part has its own branch in the repo.


Due to the holidays in the last weeks I didn't had the time to work on the text part of the tutorial. Hopefully, I will start in the next days.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

@weierophinney @mtymek @xtreamwayz and others

Started the writing of the tutorial. Part 1 and 2 are almost finished.


When I am finished with it I will add it to the official repository.

I think it needs to be polished up a little by a native speaker and maybe with more background information and links. But it is a start.

Comments are welcome.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

@codeliner @mtymek @xtreamwayz

Feedback for part3 the model layer is really welcome


RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Just another update. With the kind help of @froschdesign I polished the first three parts of the tutorial.


Among other things, I added the doc blocks to each class and a link to the example code in the example repository: https://github.com/RalfEggert/zend-expressive-tutorial/

Starting the fourth part of the tutorial now.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Just finished part4.


Feedback is welcome! :smile:

mtymek commented 8 years ago

Nice progress Ralf! Unfortunately I was not able review it this weekend - just briefly scanned it. Quick note on composer: instead of pasting parts of composer.json file you can simply tell user to run composer require zendframework/zend-db - its easier to do it this way, less typing for both user and you as tutorial writer :) I'll look at what you prepared in details in coming days.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Changed to composer require. Thanks for the hint!

snapshotpl commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/RalfEggert/zend-expressive-tutorial/blob/part4/doc/book/part2.md AlbumListAction - constructor shouldn't allow to null for template renderer

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Good catch, fixed it.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Ok, I finally finished all 6 parts of the tutorial:


Please review and send suggestions and PRs for any typo or other stuff that needs to be improved.


Please review as well. If everything is ok I will be happy to add the tutorial to the Zend\Expressive docs then.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago

Oh, just one thing. I will update the code and the text whenever RC6 is out. Maybe we should wait for the addition to Zend\Expressive then.

RalfEggert commented 8 years ago


Forgot to write here, that I updated the tutorial to the newest RCs. Ready to review!

weierophinney commented 8 years ago

@RalfEggert Thanks!

We're planning on releasing the stable version today. Once that's done, I'll start doing a thorough review of the tutorial as well as the tutorial code, and we can hopefully then add it very soon; I'm sure many folks will be wanting to see this!

froschdesign commented 6 years ago

@RalfEggert Is your tutorial ready or any updates needed for version 2 of zend-expressive?

lowtower commented 6 years ago

Hello @froschdesign, I have tried to make the tutorial v2 ready. You can have a look at gitlab.io. https://lowtower.gitlab.io/zend-expressive2-tutorial/book/part1.