TLDR; Headers should use the #, ## etc to format different levels of headers, and not be underlines using ===== or `-----, or be psuedo header using bold
Check all headers on the documentation - headers should use the hash style of declaration rather then be underlined with equals or dashes. The more hashes, the more of a subheading. Eg:
# is equal to <h1>
## is equal to <h2>
### is equal to <h3>
#### is equal to <h4>
##### is equal to <h5>
Headings should be appropriate for their level in the documentation.
Psuedo headers using bold tags ** should be replaced with appropriate level of heading tag.
Check headers are correct
Check all headers on the documentation - headers should use the hash style of declaration rather then be underlined with equals or dashes. The more hashes, the more of a subheading. Eg:
is equal to<h1>
is equal to<h2>
is equal to<h3>
is equal to<h4>
is equal to<h5>
Headings should be appropriate for their level in the documentation.
Psuedo headers using bold tags
should be replaced with appropriate level of heading tag.