zendtech / ZendOptimizerPlus

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Version 7.0.4 disappeared? #175

Closed lukaszwit closed 9 years ago

lukaszwit commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm pretty sure that there was a version 7.0.4 at http://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=ZendOpcache and this is the version which I use on production but... it seems that 7.0.4 disappeared?

Herve-M commented 10 years ago

You can see here (https://github.com/zendtech/ZendOptimizerPlus/blob/master/ZendAccelerator.h#L30), so you may have installed a version from master.

#define PHP_ZENDOPCACHE_VERSION "7.0.4-dev"

Edit: Latest version from PHP (5.5.X) use 7.0.4. Older PHP must use PECL, so 7.0.3 stable.

laruence commented 10 years ago

we haven't released 7.0.4 . (I am kind of the opcache release manager :))

lukaszwit commented 10 years ago

It looks like by default debians installs 7.0.4 I've got this signature:

PHP 5.5.11-1~dotdeb.1 with OpCache 7.0.4-dev
gena01 commented 9 years ago

Any plans to release a new version?

lukaszwit commented 9 years ago

It seems to me that 7.0.4 is the version distributed with PHP itself.

shaunfreeman commented 9 years ago

when compiling php > 5.5 the use '--with-opcache' flag and add 'zend_extension=opcache.so' to your php ini and you will have opcache. When compiling PHP 5.6 then you get OPCache 7.0.4-dev

laruence commented 9 years ago

7.0.5 was released on PECL