zendtech / ZendOptimizerPlus

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No support for mod-itk? #222

Open JB1985 opened 8 years ago

JB1985 commented 8 years ago


i have the problem, that i cant find a solution for my setup.

I have running mod-php with mod-itk. So, the vHost are running with a user. But OPCache display me all Scripts which are using OPCache.

opcache.restrict_api isnt a solution, because with mod-itk isnt possible the setup own php.ini.

Have any idea how to use OPCache with mod-itk?

rlerdorf commented 8 years ago

You can set per-host ini directives using [HOST=dev.site.com] blocks. Documented at http://php.net/manual/en/ini.sections.php

JB1985 commented 8 years ago

In the php.ini:

[HOST=dev.site.com] opcache.restrict_api=docroot

Works! Thank you!

JB1985 commented 8 years ago

mhhh, i have try it but it isnt working.

I can see all the cache if I add the HOST or PATH Function in the php.ini

INI directives are only for CGI/FastCGI and not for mod_php that is using by mod_itk.

"These sections are used only in CGI/FastCGI mode and they can not set extension and zend_extension directives. "