zeners / gnome-shell-teatime

MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Prepare for Gnome v45 #2

Open zeners opened 7 months ago

zeners commented 7 months ago

Reviews requested Change of PlayFile:

let player = global.display.get_sound_player();
let file = Gio.File.new_for_path('PATH TO THE FILE');
player.play_from_file(file, 'title', null);

but this doesn't work for refs.js: https://extensions.gnome.org/review/48421

LoadFile-Dialog in prefs.js is deprecated and doesn't work anymore.

Plan to just maintaining the extension will not work, so i have to change the name, that will result in settings lost.

I'm not very happy with this result, but will look forward to bring it online again.

I can keep the old extension in AUR, but i'm unsure, if this is a good plan.