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笔记 - gensim - Topic Modelling for Humans #36

Open zengbin93 opened 6 years ago

zengbin93 commented 6 years ago


zengbin93 commented 6 years ago


gensim - 源码阅读笔记

代码: https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim



from .indexedcorpus import IndexedCorpus  # noqa:F401
# must appear before the other classes

from .mmcorpus import MmCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .bleicorpus import BleiCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .svmlightcorpus import SvmLightCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .lowcorpus import LowCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .dictionary import Dictionary  # noqa:F401
from .hashdictionary import HashDictionary  # noqa:F401
from .wikicorpus import WikiCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .textcorpus import TextCorpus, TextDirectoryCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .ucicorpus import UciCorpus  # noqa:F401
from .malletcorpus import MalletCorpus  # noqa:F401



from .coherencemodel import CoherenceModel  # noqa:F401
from .hdpmodel import HdpModel  # noqa:F401
from .ldamodel import LdaModel  # noqa:F401
from .lsimodel import LsiModel  # noqa:F401
from .tfidfmodel import TfidfModel  # noqa:F401
from .rpmodel import RpModel  # noqa:F401
from .logentropy_model import LogEntropyModel
# noqa:F401
from .word2vec import Word2Vec  # noqa:F401
from .doc2vec import Doc2Vec  # noqa:F401
from .keyedvectors import KeyedVectors  # noqa:F401
from .ldamulticore import LdaMulticore  # noqa:F401
from .phrases import Phrases  # noqa:F401
from .normmodel import NormModel  # noqa:F401
from .atmodel import AuthorTopicModel  # noqa:F401
from .ldaseqmodel import LdaSeqModel  # noqa:F401
from .fasttext import FastText  # noqa:F401
from .translation_matrix import TranslationMatrix, \
    BackMappingTranslationMatrix  # noqa:F401


这里实现的主要是一些英文raw text的预处理函数,比如:删除后缀(PorterStemmer)、删除停用词(remove_stopwords)等。

from .porter import PorterStemmer  # noqa:F401
from .preprocessing import (remove_stopwords, strip_punctuation, strip_punctuation2,  # noqa:F401
                            strip_tags, strip_short, strip_numeric,
                            strip_non_alphanum, strip_multiple_whitespaces,
                            split_alphanum, stem_text, preprocess_string,
                            preprocess_documents, read_file, read_files)



from .docsim import Similarity, \
    MatrixSimilarity, \
    SparseMatrixSimilarity, \
    SoftCosineSimilarity, \
    WmdSimilarity  # noqa:F401



from .ldamodel import LdaTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .lsimodel import LsiTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .rpmodel import RpTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .ldaseqmodel import LdaSeqTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .w2vmodel import W2VTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .atmodel import AuthorTopicTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .d2vmodel import D2VTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .text2bow import Text2BowTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .tfidf import TfIdfTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .hdp import HdpTransformer  # noqa: F401
from .phrases import PhrasesTransformer  # noqa: F401



from .summarizer import summarize, summarize_corpus  # noqa:F401
from .keywords import keywords  # noqa:F401
from .mz_entropy import mz_keywords  # noqa:F401
from .bm25 import BM25, get_bm25_weights

文献: 1、Federico Barrios, Federico L´opez, Luis Argerich, Rosita Wachenchauzer (2016). Variations of the Similarity Function of TextRank for Automated Summarization, https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03606

2、Marcello A Montemurro, Damian Zanette, "Towards the quantification of the semantic information encoded in written language". Advances in Complex Systems, Volume 13, Issue 2 (2010), pp. 135-153, DOI: 10.1142/S0219525910002530, https://arxiv.org/abs/0907.1558

zengbin93 commented 6 years ago


zengbin93 commented 5 years ago
