zengkid / SmartTomcat

The Tomcat plugin for Intellij IDEA
Apache License 2.0
126 stars 55 forks source link

Custom context.xml #116

Closed Isukthar closed 5 months ago

Isukthar commented 1 year ago

Hello, I installed SmartTomcat plugin, but I don't find how I can customize Tomcat files for the instance I create with the plugin. I'd like to modify context.xml file, without changing it in tomcat binaries folder. Is there a way to do it or it's a new feature request ?


yuezk commented 1 year ago

@Isukthar You can add a custom context by following https://github.com/zengkid/SmartTomcat#:~:text=to%20deployment%20directory.-,Custom%20Context,-opional%2C%20if. If that is not your need, then I'm afraid it could be a feature request.

Isukthar commented 1 year ago

My problem is that the feature in your link use a context.xml embedded in the application. Usually, with a dedicated tomcat, we use a separate context.xml copied in tomcat config. So yes, feature request.

Thanks for your answer

yuezk commented 1 year ago

Currently, the context.xml for SmartTomcat is copied from the location of the Tomcat you selected. But you need a way to modify or specify the context.xml for SmartTomcat. Right?

Isukthar commented 1 year ago

Yes, i need to make per application changes on context.xml, without modifying original context.xml.
