zengxiaofei / HapHiC

HapHiC: a fast, reference-independent, allele-aware scaffolding tool based on Hi-C data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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correct and Clustering #15

Closed ErickTong closed 7 months ago

ErickTong commented 8 months ago

Hello xiaofei, My commands are as follows

ln -s ../01hifiasm_hfhc/XH01_asm.hic.p_utg.fa asm.fa
ln -s ../01hifiasm_hfhc/00data/XH01_all_hic_R1.fq.gz Hic_R1.fq.gz
ln -s ../01hifiasm_hfhc/00data/XH01_all_hic_R2.fq.gz Hic_R2.fq.gz

bash /data/Erick_Tong/05Analysis_script/remind.sh "20240310-1 haphic 01 start"
## 01 Align Hi-C data to the assembly, remove PCR duplicates and filter out secondary and supplementary alignments
bwa index asm.fa
bwa mem -t 36 -5SP asm.fa Hic_R1.fq.gz Hic_R1.fq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 24 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam

## 02 Filter the alignments with MAPQ 1 (mapping quality ≥ 1) and NM 3 (edit distance < 3)
$Haphic/utils/filter_bam HiC.bam 1 --nm 3 --threads 36 | samtools view - -b -@ 26 -o HiC.filtered.bam

## 03 Clustering
haphic cluster --threads 36 --correct_nrounds 2 --remove_allelic_links 3 asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam 51

The result file HapHiC_cluster.log is HapHiC_cluster.log I can't find the "best" inflation recommendation in the log file HapHiC_cluster.log and The maximum clusters is 2 , however, it is a triploid organism with approximately 51 chromosomes. I would be very grateful if you could provide some help!

zengxiaofei commented 8 months ago

Hi Erick,

bwa mem -t 36 -5SP asm.fa Hic_R1.fq.gz Hic_R1.fq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 24 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam

Maybe you used the same FASTQ file Hic_R1.fq.gz for the paired-end Hi-C reads.

Best regards, Xiaofei

ErickTong commented 8 months ago

Oh, that was just my oversight. Thank you very much for the reminder. I will recheck the code and run the process again.

ErickTong commented 8 months ago

After manual curation in Juicebox,most homologous chromosome sets can be successfully mounted, except for a few sets where some chimeric contigs exist (as shown in the figure below). Can I improve the assembly results by adjusting parameters? 1710317132372 1710317174960 1710317225768 1710317275308 Additionally, here are my hifiasm commands and results. hifiasm -o XH01_asm -t 36 --h1 XH01_all_hic_R1.fq.gz --h2 XH01_all_hic_R2.fq.gz XH01_a_ccs.fastq.gz XH01_b_ccs.fastq.gz 1710319870907

I would be very grateful if you could provide some help!

zengxiaofei commented 8 months ago

Hi Erick,

Based the Hi-C contact maps you provided, these strong inter-group signals can be attributed to collapsed contigs rather than chimeric contigs, as illustrated in Fig. 2a of our manuscript. This issue stems from the genome assembly process and may arise due to the presence of highly similar regions among haplotypes.

Best regards, Xiaofei

sip123a commented 3 months ago

Hello, Dear Developer,

Thank you your effort on developing the HapHiC. 1.My commands are as follows:


ln -s $contig asm.fa
ln -s $hicread1 read1_fq.gz
ln -s $hicread2 read2_fq.gz

data -R

source /public/home/mambaforge/bin/activate haphic
# (1) Align Hi-C data to the assembly, remove PCR duplicates and filter out secondary and supplementary alignments
# bwa index asm.fa
 bwa mem -t 80 -5SP asm.fa read1_fq.gz read2_fq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 80 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam

# (2) Filter the alignments with MAPQ 1 (mapping quality ≥ 1) and NM 3 (edit distance < 3)
 filter_bam HiC.bam 1 --nm 3 --threads 80 | samtools view - -b -@ 80 -o HiC.filtered.bam

source /public/home/off/mambaforge/bin/activate haphic

haphic pipeline asm.fa HiC.filtered.bam 18  --RE "AAGCTT" --Nx 100 --min_group_len 1

This is a diploid genome with a low heterozygosity rate, around 0.5%,2n=2x=18.The XX.hap1_hap2.fa come from:

cat quer.XX.asm.hic.hap1.p_ctg.fa quer.XX.asm.hic.hap2.p_ctg.fa > XX.hap1_hap2.fa

2.And my 01.cluster always erro.When running, the following log is displayed:

cat HapHiC_cluster.log
2024-07-29 17:58:04 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run] Program started, HapHiC version: 1.0.3 (update: 2024.03.26)
2024-07-29 17:58:04 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run] Python version: 3.10.14 (main, Mar 21 2024, 16:24:04) [GCC 11.2.0]
2024-07-29 17:58:04 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [detect_format] The file for Hi-C read alignments is detected as being in BAM format
2024-07-29 17:58:04 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [parse_fasta] Parsing input FASTA file...
2024-07-29 17:58:13 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [stat_fragments] Making some statistics of fragments (contigs / bins)
2024-07-29 17:58:13 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [stat_fragments] bin_size is calculated to be 1416101 bp
2024-07-29 17:58:15 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [parse_alignments] Parsing input alignments...
2024-07-29 17:58:35 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [output_pickle] Writing HT_link_dict to HT_links.pkl...
2024-07-29 17:58:36 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [output_clm] Writing clm_dict to paired_links.clm...
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] Filtering fragments...
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [Nx filtering] 1333 fragments kept
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [RE sites filtering] 105 fragments removed, 1228 fragments kept
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [link density filtering] Parameter --density_lower 0.2X is set to "multiple" mode and equivalent to 0.6726384364820847 in "fraction" mode
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [link density filtering] Parameter --density_upper 1.9X is set to "multiple" mode and equivalent to 0.9666123778501629 in "fraction" mode
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [link density filtering] 867 fragments removed, 361 fragments kept
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [rank sum filtering] Q1=3402.0, median=3978.0, Q3=4555.0, IQR=Q3-Q1=1153.0
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [rank sum filtering] Parameter --rank_sum_upper 1.5X is set to "multiple" mode and equivalent to 0.9944598337950139 in "fraction" mode
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [filter_fragments] [rank sum filtering] 2 fragments removed, 359 fragments kept
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [output_pickle] Writing full_link_dict to full_links.pkl...
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run] Hi-C linking matrix was constructed in 32.92142605781555s
2024-07-29 17:58:37 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run_mcl_clustering] Performing Markov clustering...
2024-07-29 17:58:39 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 60 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.1, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:39 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 32 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.2, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:39 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 23 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.3, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 18 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.4, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 15 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.5, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 13 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.6, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 12 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.7, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 10 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.8, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:40 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 10 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 1.9, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 9 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.0, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 8 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.1, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 10 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.2, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 7 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.3, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 10 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.4, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 7 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.5, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 9 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.6, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 8 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.7, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 8 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.8, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 8 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 2.9, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [mcl] The matrix has converged after 8 rounds of iterations (expansion: 2, inflation: 3.0, maximum iterations: 200, pruning threshold: 0.0001)
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run_mcl_clustering] The maximum number of clusters (1) is even less than the expected number of chromosomes (18). You could try higher inflation.
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run] 20 round(s) of Markov clustering finished in 4.332892656326294s, average 0.2166446328163147s per round
2024-07-29 17:58:41 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [output_statistics] Making some statistics for the next HapHiC reassignment step...
2024-07-29 17:59:03 <HapHiC_cluster.py> [run] Program finished in 58.50718808174133s

The HiC.filtered.bam:

 samtools view HiC.filtered.bam | cut -f 1-5 | head -20
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:19472    81      h1tg000012l     2194749 8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:19472    161     h1tg000012l     2194704 8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:20479    81      h1tg000012l     1773068 60
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:20479    161     h1tg000012l     1773006 60
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:22016    97      h1tg000028l     9173384 8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:22016    145     h1tg000028l     9173551 9
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:22341    81      h1tg000012l     5980285 31
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:22341    161     h1tg000012l     5980155 39
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:24216    97      h1tg000024l     4949822 60
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:24216    145     h1tg000024l     4949948 60
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:27048    81      h2tg000005l     6148297 8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:27048    161     h2tg000005l     6148247 8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:27837    97      h2tg000002l     31226689        8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:27837    145     h2tg000002l     31226820        8
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:29062    81      h1tg000028l     4129513 21
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:29062    161     h1tg000028l     4129420 28
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:29686    81      h1tg000005l     8032493 1
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:29686    161     h1tg000005l     8032493 2
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:31360    81      h2tg000013l     11094454        21
LH00330:133:222K77LT4:3:1101:0:31360    161     h2tg000013l     11094235        60

4.asm.fa detail

#### base statistics ####
A: 248645956, T: 248880267, C: 133895942, G: 133272425, N: 0
GC%: 0.34937917764005627

#### contig statistics ####
Nx      Number  Length
N10     3       36168237
N20     5       35644004
N30     7       30857360
N40     11      18353511
N50     15      17326354
N60     19      16175814
N70     25      12363138
N80     31      10390621
N90     60      668910
longest contig: 38426148, shortest contig: 17553
total number: 877, total length: 764694590

#### scaffold statistics ####
Nx      Number  Length
N10     3       36168237
N20     5       35644004
N30     7       30857360
N40     11      18353511
N50     15      17326354
N60     19      16175814
N70     25      12363138
N80     31      10390621
N90     60      668910
longest scaffold: 38426148, shortest scaffold: 17553
total number: 877, total length: 764694590

#### gapless scaffold statistics ####
Nx      Number  Length
N10     3       36168237
N20     5       35644004
N30     7       30857360
N40     11      18353511
N50     15      17326354
N60     19      16175814
N70     25      12363138
N80     31      10390621
N90     60      668910
longest gapless scaffold: 38426148, shortest gapless scaffold: 17553
total number: 877, total length: 764694590

I tried to use hap1 or p_ctg.fa to run haphic pipeline,But in the first step 01.cluster reported an error that the number of clustering groups was less than the number of nchr. How should I adjust the parameters? Thank you again.

zengxiaofei commented 3 months ago

Please open a new issue.