Open Isoris opened 1 month ago
Hello Xiaofei,
I have used HapHic at MAPQ1 NM < 3 as explained in the front matter page, the initial contigs were from the p_utg.fa and the --gfa file used was the corresponding gfa file.
bwa index CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa
bwa mem -5SP -t 200 CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa HiC_R1.fastq.gz HiC_R2.fastq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 14 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam
./HapHiC/utils/filter_bam HiC.bam 1 --nm 3 --threads 200 | samtools view - -b -@ 200 -o HiC.filtered.bam
./HapHiC/haphic pipeline CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa HiC.filtered.bam 54 --gfa "CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.gfa" --remove_allelic_links 2 --correct_nrounds 2`
After assembly it seems that the resolution of scaffolds failed somehow, any idea why this happened? Thank you in advance.
Your result seems to be fine, just import the .assembly file and double click on the contact map.
Hello Xiaofei,
I have used HapHic at MAPQ1 NM < 3 as explained in the front matter page, the initial contigs were from the p_utg.fa and the --gfa file used was the corresponding gfa file.
make BWA index
bwa index CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa
map HIC reads
bwa mem -5SP -t 200 CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa HiC_R1.fastq.gz HiC_R2.fastq.gz | samblaster | samtools view - -@ 14 -S -h -b -F 3340 -o HiC.bam
Filter aln for MAPQ 1 & Edit DISTANCE < 3
./HapHiC/utils/filter_bam HiC.bam 1 --nm 3 --threads 200 | samtools view - -b -@ 200 -o HiC.filtered.bam
SCAFFOLD with 2 rounds of error correction without inter-allelic links, GFA-based
./HapHiC/haphic pipeline CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.fa HiC.filtered.bam 54 --gfa "CMAM.asm.hic.p_utg.gfa" --remove_allelic_links 2 --correct_nrounds 2`
After assembly it seems that the resolution of scaffolds failed somehow, any idea why this happened? Thank you in advance.