Open casusr opened 4 days ago
You may have misunderstood the meaning of the -f
parameter in samtools view
-f INT only include reads with all of the FLAGs in INT present
If you do not have any specific requirements, I would recommend following the method provided in our documentation.
Sorry, I made a mistake. The samtools command I used was
samtools view -\@4 -F 4 -F 256 -bq 20
is this also not acceptable?
The filtering process can result in singleton reads, which might cause some problems in downstream analyses. In addition, I am uncertain if setting -bq 20
would be too stringent for your case. Therefore, I recommend starting with the method provided in our documentation, as it has proven effective in most cases.
Thank you very much for your answer
May I ask, I used the command samtools view -\@4 -f 4 -f 256-bq 20 to filter the bam file and generate the uniq.bam file? Then use the haphic pipeline p_ctg.fa uniq.bam 40 --RE GATC command and run bash in the result, out_JBAT.txt does not exist or does not contain any reads