zenhack / simp_le

Simple Let's Encrypt client
GNU General Public License v3.0
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/usr/bin/python3: No module named virtualenv #142

Open SantinoPetrovic opened 4 years ago

SantinoPetrovic commented 4 years ago

Hi! I am having problems with installing latest simp_le on centOS linux machine. I run this command: './venv.sh' after 'sudo ./bootstrap.sh' but I got this error: /usr/bin/python3: No module named virtualenv. I tried to fix it by installing python 3 by yum and pip so I could install virtualenv but It said that virtualenv already exists and the error remains. Am I doing something wrong?

Best regards,


cometsong commented 4 years ago

As a reference for any fixer-uppers: the "new" name of python3 module is venv instead of virtualenv, as of python version 3.3

(On my side I had to create the venv through my shared web-server's admin setup frontend as their backend ssh was giving me issues in other ways.)

zenhack commented 4 years ago

Hm, on my system both python -m virtualenv and python -m venv are accepted.

Can you share the exact commands you're running and the errors you're getting?

Are you sure you're not pulling in python 2 versions of some of these packages? I think those are still the default on CentOS.

SantinoPetrovic commented 4 years ago

Hi again!

I made it work with different aproach, but I believe it's not the right way. These are the steps I have done:

zenhack commented 4 years ago

Probably we should update bootstrap_rpm() in bootstrap.sh to install the right packages; It looks like this didn't get updated when we moved the debian version and venv.sh over to python 3. That would allow you to skip installing python3 and pip separately. I just merged a patch from @thousandsofthem that fixes the --no-site-packages issue.