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Fix/analytics connection hang #141

Closed marwan37 closed 4 months ago

marwan37 commented 4 months ago

Describe changes

I implemented a workaround that disables retries for sending analytics data, in response to issue #130. This ensures the CLI remains responsive even when the Segment analytics API is unreachable, due to network failures or blocking mechanisms like PiHole.

Reference to Documentation

The Segment Python library documentation did not explicitly mention configurable options for max_retries, but the source code revealed a max_retries property in segment/analytics/client.py.


To simulate an unreachable analytics API domain at api.segment.io, I redirected all requests to this domain to by adding the following entry in the /etc/hosts file on my Mac: api.segment.io

Following this setup, I tested the deploy, breakdown, output, and destroy CLI commands, and confirmed it exits immediately, without hanging, after attempting to reach the analytics API domain once.


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coderabbitai[bot] commented 4 months ago


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This update introduces a new configuration parameter max_retries to the analytics module, initially set to 0. It also enhances the track_event function with error handling to manage exceptions during analytics tracking, aiming to improve reliability and user experience by preventing the application from hanging due to unreachable analytics services.


File Summary
.../analytics/client.py Added max_retries config parameter; updated track_event with try-except for exceptions

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strickvl commented 4 months ago

Thank you for this PR! One thing you'll probably need to do is rebase on develop branch. If your branch is branched off develop already, then you can just click the 'edit' button at the right / top of the header and then update it so that it knows it'll be merged onto develop and not to main (which it's currently set to do).

CleanShot 2024-02-08 at 20 17 25@2x


strickvl commented 4 months ago

You can also see the CI is showing a linting error, so please do run the formatting and linting scripts locally before updating with the fix.

marwan37 commented 4 months ago

Just fixed any issues mentioned in the CI and ran the format and lint scripts again. This was indeed branched off develop already so the edit button at the top allowed me to update it. Thanks!

strickvl commented 4 months ago

@coderabbitai review

marwan37 commented 4 months ago

Great suggestion, @strickvl. I've committed the change. Thanks for your input. Regarding the other CodeRabbit suggestion, I'm assuming it's safe to ignore as the app uses a single instance of the analytics client?

strickvl commented 4 months ago

@marwan37 yep sometimes the rabbit has good suggestions or catches small things. Today, not so much :) You can ignore them.

strickvl commented 4 months ago

@marwan37 sorry the line I suggested seems to have been too long. I'd break up that logger statement and then I'll rerun the CI.

marwan37 commented 4 months ago

@strickvl, I've adjusted the logger statement. Thanks for pointing that out.

strickvl commented 4 months ago

@marwan37 I cloned your fork + checked out your branch but when running this I still get the following output when testing locally:

CleanShot 2024-02-13 at 16 21 52@2x

i.e. it doesn't seem to pick up your custom error at all. Looking at their codebase, it's not clear to me whether the on_error is doing what we think it's doing actually... @bcdurak any thoughts? This e.g. is the place where the log I'm getting is generated.

marwan37 commented 4 months ago

@strickvl, yes I had those errors too. My apologies, I should have documented that behavior earlier. These errors seem to be handled internally by Segment and won't trigger the custom on_error. Currently, it should be assumed that the on_error handler is designed primarily for handling errors that occur after the retry logic has concluded. Without directly modifying the Segment library, I couldn't find a way to gain more control over those logs, but I'd be happy to explore further if needed.

strickvl commented 4 months ago

@marwan37 can you run the format / linting script on the files on your end and push any changes that get made?