Closed mushfiqulIslam closed 1 year ago
@mushfiqulIslam Does your remote repository exist? I see here that this error might be caused if you try to push to a repository that does not exist in AWS
yes, a repository with name"zenml" was previously created and available. My local machines docker version: 23.0.6
@mushfiqulIslam Just to confirm weโre talking about the docker repository
@htahir1, I have created an aws ecr repository but did not create any repository on docker hub.
Does this exist on your AWS Docker registry?
The provided is dummy. Exact one is available in AWS Docker registry and visibility is private.
@mushfiqulIslam Then my guess is that either that private repository does not exist or you do have permission locally to push to it
Found the access related issue. Basically, AWS EC2 Container registry full access was needed to upload docker image.
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System Information
ZENML_LOCAL_VERSION: 0.40.1 ZENML_SERVER_VERSION: 0.40.1 ZENML_SERVER_DATABASE: sqlite ZENML_SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE: other ZENML_CONFIG_DIR: /root/.config/zenml ZENML_LOCAL_STORE_DIR: /root/.config/zenml/local_stores ZENML_SERVER_URL: ZENML_ACTIVE_REPOSITORY_ROOT: /home/mushfiq/zenml_examples/sagemaker_orchestration PYTHON_VERSION: 3.10.6 ENVIRONMENT: native SYSTEM_INFO: {'os': 'linux', 'linux_distro': 'ubuntu', 'linux_distro_like': 'debian', 'linux_distro_version': '22.04'} ACTIVE_WORKSPACE: default ACTIVE_STACK: test_sagemaker_stack ACTIVE_USER: mushfiq TELEMETRY_STATUS: enabled
INTEGRATIONS: ['aws', 'kaniko', 'mlflow', 'pillow', 'pytorch', 's3', 'scipy', 'sklearn', 'tensorboard', 'tensorflow'] PACKAGES: {'s3fs': '2023.3.0', 'fsspec': '2023.3.0', 'certifi': '2022.12.7', 'pytz': '2022.6', 'setuptools': '59.6.0', 'cryptography': '38.0.4', 'kubernetes': '26.1.0', 'pyzmq': '24.0.1', 'flatbuffers': '22.12.6', 'gevent': '22.10.2', 'aiofiles': '22.1.0', 'pip': '22.0.2', 'packaging': '22.0', 'contextlib2': '21.6.0', 'argon2-cffi': '21.3.0', 'argon2-cffi-bindings': '21.2.0', 'isoduration': '20.11.0', 'attrs': '20.3.0', 'gunicorn': '20.1.0', 'lit': '16.0.5', 'libclang': '14.0.6', 'rich': '12.6.0', 'nvidia-cublas-cu11': '', 'nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu11': '11.7.101', 'nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11': '11.7.99', 'nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11': '11.7.99', 'nvidia-nvtx-cu11': '11.7.91', 'nvidia-cusparse-cu11': '', 'nvidia-cusolver-cu11': '', 'nvidia-cufft-cu11': '', 'websockets': '10.4', 'nvidia-curand-cu11': '', 'pillow': '9.5.0', 'environs': '9.5.0', 'ipython': '8.7.0', 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What happened?
I ran sagemaker_orchestration according to provided guideline: While pushing docker image to sagemaker EOF docker error raised.
Reproduction steps
Steps given here:
Relevant log output
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